I put up some more brick walls today, but I haven't decided on a border yet.
I threw some money into getting a ramp to my house that I probably won't use much, so that's cool.
I moved a lot of trees, blah blah blah I doubt anyone reads these, and I went to a mystery island where I saw 1 tarantula. Thanks big water bug.,.
I caught my first oarfish and tuna without even trying, so that's cool.
I also met the fishing guy who was a confirm ho-mo-sex-u-al because he said "partner" and referred to the partner as a he
I sent pictures of my home to Chary for a tournament of good house looking whatever, I'll probably lose to a time traveller or day-1 owner with 150+ hours, not like I decorated my exterior much anyways.
I went for tarantulas again. I got an okay island, it had a pond which s*cks. Towsrds the end, I told myself that I would quit next time I was bitten, and guess what, I didn't even see one for about 25 minutes because I kept getting everything else. I wonder, did something triger that? Or is it just horrible RNG? Weird.
Ramp is coming tomorrow, so that's cool.
I saw some other entrants for the tournment week thing and uh.
I lose
Unless I get pity-picked
I did some more tarantulaing and fecing today, not much else. The interest rate is pretty sad, I guess I won't be saving my 600k. I scanned in some new patterns, so that's nice.
I didn't realize that Flick was a person who exists. I bought three tickets, two of which gave me apparent tarantula-less islands, which was great. The third, I grinded on for a few hours until I finally had almost all tarantulas. I s*ck at catching them. Also, I dislike gint water bugs.
I made 420(nice),000 bellsoff of them, plus like 180k from the two other trips. Not bad I guess, but I'm gonna still have to pay 1.7mil+, so...
I got two or three gold pieces today, so that's great. Can't wait to use them forever ago from now.