I fly the colors of TDK. Now, before you jump on me for doing so, I must say that it is impossible to remain neutral in this situation. DC is not only a great member of this site in my opinion, but also my good friend. I cannot pretend to be silent. I cannot pretend to not have an opinion.
With that being said, I write this blog not as an attack or an insult to anyone. It isn't my wish to offend anyone or to create drama. I state my opinion first and foremost so that I may speak as neutrally as I can for the remainder of this blog. I present to you only now the events that have recently transpired and the facts of this situation in order that things may be resolved quickly and without further enragement and divisions on all sides.
we find ourselves in the controversial situation of DC having been banned from Paint. As of the writing of this blog, an admin terminated his account for reasons of their own. Then the owner of the site himself, @HullBreach, determined the termination was unjust and restored DC's account. Within the same day, in a very short amount of time, without any reason given to anyone here publicly, the same admin or a different one terminated his account again. The admin team at this point is divided and the back and forth of banning and unbanning DC is a reflection of the divisions within.
I guarantee you will find messages and blogs and profiles all in support of DC across this site and there ought to be in my opinion. Many members have been upset by the unjust (it was declared unjust once already) banning and the admins themselves have told us little if anything. Now, thank you to those who have been willing to talk about it decently. I do not wish to generalize or accuse anyone of anything they are not responsible for. In the same way, the members of Paint know that if anything, DC is primarily responsible for the activity on this site. He has brought many new members and his groups are the main site of activity here. He has left an unmistakable mark on this site and done great things for it in a period of decline. Whether you decide his mark has been positive or negative, the fact remains that the mark is there.
To those that wished to slander him or opposed his views, it is undeniable that he was not afraid to call them out in the same way and match their insults with a cool head and heated words. Whether or not you agreed with him, that is a fact all can agree on. And it wasn't always pretty. It is primarily because of this fact that many were hurt and angered by him. Justified or not. Many of those who opposed his views and statements are admins. And now, because of this, he not only has to endure more slander, but be stuck in the position of being unjustly banned for reasons that do not warrant such a judgement.
If this continues, the most active groups on Paint will be deleted due to his ban and the large community he managed to rally will be rallied again under a new banner. A banner of outcry against the unjust judgement he has received. That is a fact. It has already started.
The next fact I want to bring up is not one many will like, but it is still true. DC will be back. Even if he is banned from this site, he will continue to return again and again and return to what has been taken from him. His own community. It will be a battle of alts and bans, most likely. Which will inevitably grow tiresome. And he will not relent. No one wants to see such a feud transpire. If DC is to be banned, a just judgement will have to be made and publicly done. If he is to be unbanned, a just judgement will have to be made and publicly done.
There is no middle ground. It has to be talked about. It has to be discussed. Feelings and points of view have to be set aside if this is to end in a peaceful way. Admins cannot continue removing DC-related posts and members cannot continue acting in anger towards the admins. I speak in the terms of the loudest voices. Not all admins are against DC and not all members are for him. But the loudest voices of the admin team are speaking against him and the loudest voices of the members are speaking in favor of him. Divisions are on all sides. But that is the point I wish to make.
We must put aside the divisions and bitterness and look at the facts.
The main reason I have been given by admins for the ban of DC has been related to his rudeness and targeted speech towards members and admins.
The final piece I wish to present to you is not a pretty one. It is not one I advise you to look at with biased eyes. The fact is that on both sides, the same kind of hateful speech has arisen and neither side can be declared guilty without the other also being condemned.
I call out no names or groups. I present the words exchanged publicly. As a warning, there is foul language within these spoilers.
*after seeing a post by him* "HOOO YA BABY CANT WAIT FOR THIS SHIT"
"Do you not see how fucking braindead you and *-* sound?"
"Every anti-TDKer really is dumber than a crackhead huh?"
There are many more instances but thankfully most of it is deleted or not something I'm willing to search for. I just used examples of recent from public places where many have seen these unnecessary remarks.
Why do I show you all this? What's the point? Paint is divided. The divisions have divisions. People are annoyed, angered, tired, and offended. But if any of this is to be settled, it actually needs to be settled civilly. If everyone can lay down their opinions for long enough to see what's truly going on, we can all come to a just agreement and a good final result. No one else needs to get hurt and we don't need any more back and forth.
To the admins, please hear me out when I ask you to discuss this and allow us to give input. We have witnessed DC on this site on a daily basis.
To the members, please do not be insulting or calling out anyone in a harmful or offensive way. On any side. It'll only make things worse.
To everyone, try being civil. We can disagree and still have a decent conversation.