I was fucking lied to by ghostman108.
I had feelings for him.
He fucking lied to me about his love for me.
Y'all are not even helping this even a bit.
Y'all are calling me fucking stupid. I'm not a stupid, immature child. Y'all are. Y'all dont even know what I go through everyday.
I only came on this site to make friends. What did I get instead?
Fucking immature children that will lie to me. Y'all are fucking disgraceful. I will fucking block anyone who lies to me.
Lying just makes things worse, but y'all keep doing it.
Fuck everyone who lies to me.
Fuck you ghostman108, you ruined it all for no fucking reason.
Kid, you're 13. and trying to date one of the most broken people on the damn site.
He has lost several members of his family recently, and has been going through probably the worst two months of his life. You were 'in a relationship' for a few hours. You don't need to be so angry.
He said it over and over again, he's suffering. And you decide that being his uwu girl is gonna help?
Get off it.
He may have lied to you, but for you to take it so deeply, to get so hurt by some guy over the internet rejecting you? THAT is disgraceful.
06 Aug 2023 03:01
In reply to royal-rawr
Fuck you
06 Aug 2023 03:09
In reply to FoxiiFoxii
You only make yourself look worse and worse.
He didn't love you, he was mourning, and coping. And his life has only gotten worse since he 'broke up' with you (if you can count it as breaking up, since he wasn't even dating you :/)
You sitting here whining and crying about losing that tiny scrap of a relationship is sad. And more to the point: pathetic. You didn't even date for a day. Yet he was your life all of a sudden?
Calm the fuck down.
06 Aug 2023 03:10
In reply to royal-rawr
I'm sorry royal
I won't be weird here anymore
And me and him are friends again btw
06 Aug 2023 03:12
In reply to FoxiiFoxii
You fucking better be.
06 Aug 2023 03:12
In reply to royal-rawr