So one of my absolute favorite pieces of tech aside from my two 3ds's is the mpeg-layer3,or the mp3 player for short. It's roots are much older than you think they are,i suggest Coldfusion's video if you want to brush up on the history of it all.Brief summary,short and simple.I pretty much love and have used most forms of audio players(I HAVE NOT EXPERIENCED A HAM RADIO YET SO HELP ME GOD I WILL SOMEDAY...)But there is just something so simple and timeless about a.....well,whatever shape,with a screen and buttons.(or it can even have one big screen if you vibe that way...)That tiny device that can play pretty much(almost)any audio file and you don't have to carry around tapes or cds,just that itty bitty thing.And to me having that convenience is very comforting,knowing i can access my music offline 24/7 when charged.These little guys have always been somewhat of a special interest of mine(yes,before anyone asks,i watch dankpods lol) and honestly,theyll probably stay in the top ten special interests spot for a very long time.Theyre just special to me and i absolutely love the concept of portability when it comes to media.I know a bunch of things have music players built into them now but dont count these dudes out! Without them,you probably wouldn't have those awesome music playing things anyways! (Some complex bs mightve taken its place instead...)So break out that old mp3 player and maybe listen to a couple comfort songs here and there...hey,even though they're simple,they matter!