Here I will be discussing my critiques of the American right, not completely exclusive for I may interject foreign examples. Also, I am talking about the majority, not the minority, or the American right. I will also refer to the American right as "the right" for simplicity, unless I clearly state otherwise.
Now, I do agree with many points that the right, but that doesn't mean I worship them. And now we have our first topic; the majority of the right I see always default to "dumb libs" or "it's to woke" without any explanations or opposing arguments, just mere utterance of petty insults. As I have seen it, and many statistics suggest, the majority of the right is more under-educated. And I am saying that with respect, I do not mean that as an insult. The conservative dense south has a high concentration of education lacking conservatives, which is where correlation is linked to causation as people who tend to get more levels of education are subjected to topics that may influence their political alignment, for example if one were to read a lot about the civil war and learn more about slavery they may be inclined to align with the left because of how they make themselves out to be 'for the minorities' and if one were to hear a lot about World War II from their grandpa they may be inclined to align themselves with the right because of how they make themselves out to be 'supporting of the troops'. This is with exceptions though, as all things are, if one were to look into the civil war more, they will find that the Republicans that opposed slavery, and if they were to look into World War II more, they will find that FDR was a Democrat. As it is not the us versus them between parties as some may put it, there is a gray area between the left and the right that leaves room for later discussion.
Secondly, I have noticed a majority of the right use the saying "Just move." when they hear of someone with problems about their area. An example would be someone who doesn't like how restrictive the gun laws are in New York and someone of the right tells them to move to another state. This outlines a bigger problem with the right, they always retreat back to a safe place. When things get to leftist for them, they pack up and leave, the recent reforms in the Methodist Church would be a great example. This strategy of constant defense, retreat, and complain about how bad it is shows us the flawed baseline set out by the right; they rely on other people to get the job done and when that goes wrong the give up. It seems like a cliche to say, but they need to stand up for themselves more.
Lastly, their inclination to believe a right-winger more than a left-winger. They put down most arguments et out by the opposing side and refuse to even learn something from them or about them, it leads to lack luster arguments that get nowhere and leaves everyone angry at the other. Now, it is often the trope today for someone in my position to tell the reader to find your information from a reliable and unbiased source, let me tell you that is mostly impossible, everyone has their biases and opinions and may interject those into their writing; it would be better for me to say find the truth and don't settle for the five-cent answer.
In summary, the right needs to focus on their own problems instead of complaining about everyone else's.
As always, thanks for reading!
As a person who's politically non-binary (by which I mean that I don't particularly identify with the right or the left in this country) and who isn't very fond of either of our 2 main political parties (read this blog for more about that), I agree with the overall sentiment of this blog that “the right needs to focus on their own problems instead of complaining about everyone else's”, although I suspect that we may not necessarily agree about what those “problems” that they should be focusing on actually are.
(I'm coming at this from a sort of a pro-life Libertarian perspective myself, BTW.)
I agree that those on the right are far too quick to dismiss those who disagree with them as being “dumb”, “woke”, or something even worse, but at the end of the day the only thing that really matters is their actual policies, which is where I have a lot of issues with both the right and the left in this country, TBH.
(Why must I chose between preborn rights and LGBTQIA+ rights when I believe in both, for example?)
As for the “just move” thing, I agree that that mentality is wrong, but the way you frame it here is as though rightwingers are saying it to each other, whereas in reality it is typically them telling groups of people that they are making life more difficult for with their authoritarian policies (such as LGBTQIA+ people) to move to another state if they are adversely affected by said policies, whereas in my mind everyone's individual rights deserve to be respected.
(Including the rights of supportive parents of LGBTQIA+ children, who are literally being imprisoned for “child abuse” in some states because of laws passed by Republican lawmakers.)
As for their tendency to trust other people on their own side over those thar they disagree with, I agree that it's an issue, but the bigger issue is that there are so many liars on both sides who will literally say anything just to promote their own side's agenda, but just like with my previous point about policy, at the end of the day the truth is the only thing that actually matters here.
(You're absolutely right about no information source truly being “unbiased” though, BTW.)
Lastly, one point that I had wanted to make that is (sort of) related to the “just move” thing is that those on the right telling pregnant people who are seeking abortions to simply go to another state to get them aren't really pro-life as far as I'm concerned.
(And I don't believe that I need to explain why, lol!)