Welp when I'm online, almost no one is on, and I guess it'll be difficult for me to just keep explaining my problems to each and every person who asks. so, I'll just bundle up my worries and stress into one blog.
Well, I'm going to start with the most recent one.
My mom took me to a hair salon 2 days ago because she wanted hair color. I came to the salon from my University, and helped explaining what my mom wanted to the stylist and explained what she said to mom. and damn that went on for an hour then finally the color was decided.
we got out satisfied. Even my dad liked it for the first time. it was just a simple ash brown color.
But the next day, she said she doesnt like it because it looks red. I've already explained to her a billion times that they will add chemical to your hair that makes the hair color react differently to it and also everyones hair is different so even in the same color, people get different outcomes.
And she said i never said that.
We went to the salon again. i had to be her translator and explain why she wasn't satisfied and she was very angry that she didn't care at all of what the stylist were saying, i was just translating exactly what the stylist was explaining to her yet she said stop arguing with me, though whatever i said wasnt even my own words.
inside the salon ive been trying soo hard to explain to her yet, she just wasnt trying to understand a SINGLE thing. she only needed to be patient and let the color stay for a month and it will turn out into her desired color, but she kept shutting me off like it didnt matter and she wouldn't believe it.
when we came back home, she kept on screaming, cursing me with bad words, kept saying its all my fault even though i tried to help and encourage her to try something new and do what you like, She hit me, she told me i should die either today or tomorrow, she kept getting angry on my pet bird for a single noise he made.
She said soo many painful things.. and this happens in every arguement we have. I always just have the urge to.. jump off from the top of the house whenever she says "it'll be better if you're dead", or "why aren't you dead yet?" but... I try to ignore it. I try to think that it wasn't even my fault. all I did was just trying to help... she thinks I did the wrong hair color on purpose, but I'd never do anything on purpose to hurt someone...
These kinds of odd arguements happen frequently at my home... she gets angry at the most stupid, most mindless thing that even my dad disagrees with her..
And it's painful, It hurts to hear those kind of words when all I do is "try" to make things better.
even though she's telling me to die and doesn't need a horrible person like me, she still needs me for most of her work, like- why do you need me to get you stuffs from the fridge while you're cooking? its right there, why do u need me to do your chores?
I don`t know what i'm writing anymore, i feel like it doesn't make sense, my mind isn't working right, i'm exhausted... I'm tired of her...
There's soo much more things i want to say about her, about the things i worry about, the things that stresses me out but... explaining it will be as long as a book... and I shouldn't fill up my blogs with negative things..
But, I'm fine. It's alright. Paint is keeping me strong. It's all thanks to you guys I'm still standing..
Long time Paint member here!! I know the feeling of not having your friends around when you want to talk to them the most! I hope you can find ways coexist with your mother at home. It’s not worth hurting yourself over and I hope and pray it doesn’t ever get to that point. Our parents come from a different day and age and sometimes they truly just don’t understand their kids. A lot of times they are raising their children the way they were raised. That comes with the good and the bad. I know they still love and care for you.
Your best action is somehow leaving them at this point, there's a way to escape and create a new identity
You should wait until your out of university and are ready if you do
There are plenty of tutorials online but basics:
-Run away, use a device without a GPS (like a flip phone from the 2000s) for calling/texting and go to a new location
-Discard said phone
-You will need to create a new name, new personality like What do you like, what do you dislike, what religion do you believe in?
-Get new clothes, get rid of the old ones
-Make up a absurd story about how you got there, make sure you think it through
You *should* be able to go from there, but doing this makes you a different person, however you can try to act like a friend to your dad, after a few months and you should be okay
You do not need to cut off you socials like 3DSPaint as it gets rid of IP addresses and doesn't sell your data
he knows and he trys to help but.. eh.. my mom always knows how to make him listen to her.. and anyways i dont want to ruin their relationship so i avoid telling him. but he knows how strict she can go..