Let go.
Dude, just, seriously. Sometimes you get a little caught up in something, and a small community is all you really have. I get it, you feel like you earned something; there is sentiment at stake.
With every day that goes by, I probably think about this website about once a month. Yes, it’s my fault for getting myself involved with the petty squabbles that happen here.
But life is hell, may as well make it funny, right??
The point of this blog isn’t to tell you that paint sucks and you should abandon it, it’s to tell you that paint sucks and despite all the past promises to make changes, reality hits you that this dumpster requires money: Yes, as recent news states; less money, but nonetheless no changes made. It’s outdated and - due to hearing no news of actually hiring someone for graphic interface - will stay outdated.
But I want to hear it from you. Why are YOU still on Paint?
(And why should I care so much? Good question. Mind your business.)
As far as I know, the majority here uses modern-day devices that could support a full 24-hour discord call. Some even hop back and forth between here and social media, so again I ask, with the exception of users who have literally no other choice: what’s the point?
Now onto the section where I talk about the laughable conclusions to bringing paint back from 6ft under.
The decision to ultimately not sell the site was probably a good one for what management had planned, but consider that management is one single person that doesn’t have time to modernize code that was built to be sustainable within the DSi/3DS’s OS. Which is… Unfortunate. There is no other way to put it. It’s unfortunate that paint has become a cesspool of unfulfilled promises, weird PM cybering, and the occasional bigot that roams around, doing what a bigot does best. (Looking at some particular site staff. Seriously get it together.)
My criticism of paint could go way far back, such as the immense insecurity that private messages held way back when.
Messages contain a URL ID, just as they did years ago, so that much hasn’t changed. You used to be able to jump from ID to ID, reading every message that had ever been sent amongst users. Now, I believe I was admin at the time, but as I recall there are no permissions that will allow you to infringe on people’s private conversations - something that took over a decade to fix. Because the one person who could fix it, was never around.
Due to Hull’s oversight of everything - and I get it, you have a family, you have a job, time gets away - overwhelming amounts of exploitation and site insecurity went unchecked.
It is no longer about nostalgia, because honestly what can possibly be nostalgic about broken features, discontinued games, and bigotry and drama around every corner?
Actually, you know what, this dump’s always been broken maybe there is some nostalgia factor there.
When you look around you, you see all these possibilities. You see a future where you won’t spend your youngest years building a digital empire on a sub20 average user base server. There is a lot of potential with such loser behavior, and it’s great practice to put that energy into finding a hobby. Or building a life of your own.
But the drama… It goes back years. And it keeps going. For what purpose? I personally find it laughable how seriously this staff takes things; It’s like they’re getting paid or something!
For something that has so drastically impacted my life in dreadfully awe-inspiring ways, I can safely look at paint and say: there’s no point.
You can keep outdated things outdated, or you can hold on for years convincing yourself that enough people will join to match even half of this site’s peak user traffic.
But if you insist on going with this, “modernize; premium” plan, for christ’s sake actually do it. It’s like this place is in a constant loop timeline from “revival” hype to complete desert.
And do something about the administration team. You could do much better than argumentative, biased, and bigoted.
Now for the love of god, stop enabling bigotry. I don’t know how many young people are here, but it’s enough to make an impression on anybody. There is no place for anyone to push their beliefs as much as I’ve seen here.
It’s disappointing to say that I don’t actually see anything coming to fruit with these plans of improvement and upgrade. I’d say I’d like to be proven wrong, but fortunately I don’t care enough about anything that happens here.
So, alas. As an older account on this site, I can ultimately say with confidence, however conflicted you might feel about this dreadful blog:
Put this thing out of its misery.