its been a while since i wrote a blog, sorry for that! also, this is not exactly a big blog, but i hope it can be featured anyway INTRODUCTION
Have you ever seen cool CSS? Somewhere? Well, now i shall explain how you get it! All you need is a browser with DevTools.
1. Open the page where you like the CSS.
2. Open DevTools (f12 mostly) and open the head tag (press the 3 dots)
3. Then, find the <style> tag under the page name ( <title> ). Open that.
4. There you go! The entire CSS. Now you can copy that (right click the <style> tag and click Edit as HTML, then select all of the css EXCLUDING any style tags.)
5. Now you can paste the CSS anywhere you wish!
screenshots coming soon, my phone isn't the best editing software and also not the best device to use devtools on