So the whole idea is to have custom display names :p
You could make anyones display name anything youd like or just plain simple. You can change the display name to somthing like their actual name :o, or change it to somthing expressfull like "Cool Guy".
Once you were to make a custom display name for someone their actual username would apear either above/below "First Name" (whichever works out easier). But if you were to send them a message or to invite them to a cool group, you would need their actual username and not the custom display name that you've created.
What if we could also make it so you could see the custom names that people had made for you, but this part is optional.
Yes, I currently know that this is possible in groups. BUT what if we could bring it out to the whole site? And not secluded in one area of the site.
Thank you for taking your time and reading this and taking my idea into consideration :d