Hey it's me Jax and I would like to say I got invited to a realm server made by my buddies that they let me get in.
From what I could see when I started is it has been active for a year and do gain respect in the server is to have emeralds even though we have a library which is also the villager trading center.
But here is a story of when I started to let you know how Jake's journey has came so far
Day 1 jake spawned on the server when someone in chat saw me spawn and gave me a small tour of the world.
After the tour he started to get some wood to get tools (like anyone would do when they get in a Minecraft world), and when jake got done with all that he started on his house.
It is made out of oak and savannah wood but jake didn't finish it.
Day 2 jake went mining to get some iron and better tools and armor but when jake went mining he found a big mountain with a cave underneath within got about 2 stacks of iron so when he got back to his house and made a full set of iron armor and full iron armor.
(I found emeralds, let's gooo!.)
But he finished his house and made a bed then went to sleep.
Day 3 when someone named sky got on the server he asked who jake was since he was new to the server so jake told him and he left jake alone for a while.
But later on he got back on a jake saw his shield and saw a banner on it and he wanted one so sky gave me some wool and dye so jake could make one.
Jake made one and then he found the enchantment table where jake enchanted his gear and grinded the mob farm for a bit and then went exploring and he found a dog and made him his dog.
Day 4 jake started the day off making a farm next to his house which sky gave some seeds,jake went to the mob farm and grinded for a couple minutes so he could get enough exp so he could name some stuff like his axe named the dark slicer.
Jake then went to the library where he leveled up the villagers where one librarian jake leveled up had mending (oh my god let's goooo!) and put mending on his axe since he used it so much.
When it got dark jake went into his home and started to craft stuff and was thinking about what he was going to do next.
So jake then thought of making a project that would keep his mind occupied so he don't get bored but I don't know what he wanted to build.
Jake then saw all of the blocks he had in his chest and thought of making a shop where he could sell stuff to other players and they could give him stuff in exchange like a trading shop.
(I used to make these with my sister for years and then she stopped playing Minecraft.)
But that is what happened so far and I need to make that trading shop when I get on Minecraft
I hope you like this blog and I love talking to this community and hearing their stories so this is mine.
I would also like to continue this journal like a series from YouTube like Stampylonghead or hermit craft did so I have to keep my self busy but not get burned out from Minecraft.
I also need a name for my dog so could you guys give me some suggestions.
Instead of framing it this way, instead you could do something a little more creative, like turning it into a short story or a journal entry. That way you can add more detail and some flare to it and make it more exciting to read
Honestly if you took this same blog and framed it either way, I’d feature in a heartbeat
you're getting there, but i was more thinking something from the character's perspective, rather than YOUR perspective, if that makes sense. a journal from the character within the game, rather than you yourself.
i would recommend fixing up some punctuation as well, would make things flow a lot more