I have recently realized that we really have to live like we're dying. I know EVERYONE says that life is short... and to be honest it is. You may think... oh no its not my life is going slow. I know because i have gone through that but honestly life is really short which is frightening. Most people just stay home all day bored and go on over and over again about how they're bored but just do something! I mean i understand if you have no other choice but to stay home... but even so.. do something! HAVE FUN! Live as if today were your last day on earth.... think about it... if today was your last day.. you would actually do something. And ONLY because your dying. And i know as some of you read this you may say... no if today was my last day id stay home or some shit.. but honestly THINK ABOUT IT... no you wouldnt you'd live it up! =) Just think about it kay? And just have fun with your life =)