I am just here to tell you about, yet another disorder... Its called ADHD and I want to tell you about it!
1. Yes I have it! And I knowba couple other people who have it too, no one trully gets made fun of, but I still see it from time to time...
2. Just beacuse we have ADHD dosent mean we cant do what you do! We just might do it difrently, and where not stupid! In fact we are just as smart as you (if not smarter!) and we dont want to be treated difrently JUST beacuse we have it!
3. ADHD, if you dont know what that is... First, A. Attention, D. Defacit, H. Hyperactivity, D. Disorder... I dont know If I spelled the first D right, you can google it for more info... Anyways, the answer is in that thing I just put up, we cant usily focus, get bored easyly, we are hyper all the time! We Usily find it hard to make friends, We also dont folow easy rules laid out, its hard for us... And btw, I say us beacuse I am speaking aboit EVERYONE who has ADHD! So, if you would like more info, or want to know what its like living with ADHD, just ask me!