The Void was created by my friend's Matthew, and Cameron. Enjoy the story!
One average day as the sky was crystal clear *its raining*... two young teenagers were about to go on the adventure of thier life.
Cameron and Matthew were walking through the woods one day trying to find a frog for thier science expierament when suddendly, Matthew: "OOF!"
Cameron: "Whats wrong Matt?"
Matthew: "Ugh. I tripped on the ripped strings on the end of my blue jeans."
Matthew: "Hey Cam, you got a pocket knife, or any sharp objects?"
Cameron: "Yeah, I think so. Why?"
Matthew: "Because I need to cut the strings on the edge of oblivian- err, umm, I meant to say my blue jeans."
Cameron: "O...K..."
*Cameron checks pocket for a sharp object*
Cameron: "Lets see, hmm, I don't have any sharp objects or nanoinch parasites-err, umm, I mean knives... lets see what else I have..."
*Cameron diggs in pocket*
Cameron: "hmm, flamethrower, nope, umm, grenade, nope, portable vortex of doom-"
*Matthew interupts*
Matthew: "What?!?! What the heck are you doing with that?"
*Cameron suspisiously hides vortex*
Cameron: "Umm, no reason- Lets get back on subject!"
Matthew: "Fine."
Cameron: "Hmm, b.o.a.t., nope, perry the platypus inaction figure, nope, a brick, nope, a neuclear bomb- what the heck is this doing here?
*Cameron throws neuclear bomb way off into the middle east*
Matthew: "So you arent wondering why you have a vortex of doom, but you are wondering why you have a neuclear bomb."
Cameron: "Well, you know, those russians have to be stopped somehow."
Matthew: "Just, nevermind. Find something and lets go!"
Cameron: "Alright, alright already."
*Neuclear bomb that Cameron threw explodes*
Matthew: "Umm, Cameron... what was, that?"
Cameron: "Come on! We have to move, NOW!"
*The teenagers start running to Missisippi while Alabama is sucked in by a time warp black hole called: The Void.*
Matthew: "What was that?"