Hi my xbox live gamer tag=tjwins=thats it i know its short but shorter is always better,.... leave coment in coment box for your gamer tag if you want thank you...... I would also like to tell you that im on xbox live a lot and i play modern warfare 2. Now i will give a reveiw on Modern Warfare 2.
Ok first id like to talk to u about the campaign [i beat it], the campain is so cool, aspeacally the mission where you are in snow,....you start in the mission when u have to use ice pikes and climb a mountain it is crazy and ill skip to the end of mission :]. At the end of the mission you are busted by the bad people and capt. tells you to go to plan B and you go out and kill everybody and you have to escape, so now at the real end you have to be in jeep and kill people shooting at you.[mission is called Cliffhanger]. Now i will tell you about the Multiplayer online.
You can now unlock costomized killstreaks and my two favorite ones are chopper gunner and ac130, the chopper gunner lets you be a machine gunner from the helicopter, and the ac130 lets you gun in a aircraft that shoots missils and crazy explosions[my opinion is that i like the chopper gunner a little more than ac130]. I would also like to conclude this with that Modern Warfare 2 has the largest online community on Xbox 360.
Thank You for takeing your time to read this........:]