What is right? What is wrong?
"For the greater good," we say.
Does the end justify the means?
Whose reality are we to say is correct?
Is perspective not key?
Do we truly understand why something happens?
Sometimes the why is only apparent afterward.
Genocide or purification? Perspective.
Love. With the creation of the bonds of love,
Are not the links in the chains of hatred thus created?
Is our desire to protect what we hold dear not the root cause?
With love, can we humans ever truly understand each other and live in harmony?
Yet without it, where is our passion, our drive?
Is there an answer?
Pain. Peace. What do they mean?
Can one truly be understood without experiencing the other too?
Two sides of the same coin.
Peace is never universal.
Is our peace chaos for another?
Pain: should it be accepted or combated?
Are not the most experienced of pain enlightened in the ways of our world?
War. Who wins? Who loses?
Does it matter?
All involved experience its sting.
Does any side deserve to win?
The judgement meted out by one side is the same that the other wishes to or does inflict.
Is not our foe's destruction our victory and justice?
Can we say, in victory, that justice has been acheived?
Revenge is our personal "justice."
But when we call it justice, is not more pain bred?
I've been mulling over things of this nature recently. Food for thought.