The man stared across the gap that separated hell from heaven. "Remember what they have done to you! These rats will learn all to soon what hell is made of! We are stronger, for we have gone through more!" He rallied his armies, and they yowled in agreement.
The powers stood silent on the other side. They were heavens main defense, and made for most of heavens warriors. "They are weakened by their sins." A chief from the choir of virtues assured. "We must not let them into our holy land." The angels shifted nervously where they stood. They all knew that they had fought off demons, but this was all of hell versus all of heaven.
"Attack!" The leader of the demons yelled, charging full speed with his troops not far behind him. They jumped the gap and collided with the angels; the armies had finally met. War and chaos broke out from around the land, echoing cries of pain and resentment were heard everywhere. Armor rang with fallen pride as angels struck the land below them, and the last defiant shriek of a demon promised that hells blood was being shed as well. The intense battlefield racked the earth below with its war torn countries. Heaven and hell were out of balance, thus heavens creation was to.
The virtue that had assured his men fought valiantly throughout the battle. Soon, though, he was met by the new devil. Hells leader smashed into him, pinning him to the ground. Insanity spread across his face in the form of a smile; his teeth were sharp, like that of a stray dog. His glowing red eyes showed no intention of giving mercy to the virtue. Fortunately a power knocked the demon off, and gave the angel time to recover. The opposing army had set fire to their holy land, it laughed and danced at the angels as it approached into the war.
The virtue unsheathed his sword and waited for that same demon to strike again. He knew this monster for what he was before. Out of the brawl the demon lunged at him again with a sword of his own. It was black with faintly glowing golden inscriptions; promises he broke when angelic blood infected the weapon for the first time. The angel countered the blow and the swords rang with matched power. The black sword moved from its previous position and he advanced forward, stabbing into the angels lower side. He screamed with the intense stabbing and slashed the demons arm, a red gash appearing on the spot. It only fueled the creatures rage, and he twisted his sword - still in the angels side- and he choked with the new pain. Thunder roared with agony of the bloody battle; the gray sky finally broke, and rain took out the fires.
"Why did you do it?" The demon demanded. His voice was quavering and unstable. "Why would you put the blame on me?!" It yelled, stabbing further into the tortured virtue. The angel clenched his teeth and pulled the sword out of him. He moved backwards to avoid another blow and went in for his own offensive strike. The demon jerked and was slashed on the stomach. He knew he could not keep this up, if he did he would die of blood loss. "Stop this madness!" The celestial being demanded. Hells leader snarled. With malevolence in his faltering voice, he threw his head up and addressed his armies. "Pull back!" He yelled, withdrawing from heaven. The angels had a bittersweet victory, and watched in silence the retreating army. The wounded virtue panted and began to tread back into his land, the ever slowing rain washing away his blood from the battlefield- but not the heavy thoughts still haunting his mind.