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The Conduit is a FPS for the Wii. One of the few good ones. The graphics are pretty nice, considering it's an FPS and it's for the Wii. The storyline is pretty cool, haven't finished it yet but heard the ending sucks. The gameplay is pretty good, but it's hard to keep steady aim with the wiimote. They have two different types of guns, human and alien (Like halo). The multiplayer is great! You can use Wii speak with your friends online. Plus there are 10-player (or 12 i forget) DM, TDM, and CTF matches for online. It has rankings, and I don't think many people hack/glitch. But there is a bug where you get stuck trying to join a game. Isn't the best game to do a second play through... Same levels same guns. I think they could also do with more multiplayer maps.
Graphics: 8
Gameplay: 8
Replay Value: Low
Multiplayer: 8
Overall/Average: 8