Dating is a practice that has been around on SDK probably since it began, and as long it is free of 'cybering' it is not against the rules. However, as of late, hardly a day goes by without some teanage girl come running into the chatrooms saying "ZOMG MY BOYFRIEND CHEATED ON ME" or "ZOMG MY BOYFRIEND DUMPED ME, MY LIFE IS OVER."
This is just sad. For one thing, it's online dating, you don't even know the person. Also, even if you are into online dating, online cheating? Really? You don't even know the person and your trying to hurt him/her. Thats the only explanation because on a chatroom, people tend be more careful about what they say, because they can edit the post before they send it. So having realising this, why on God's green Earth would you do something like this? Why would do it, knowing it will hurt the person your with?
Secondly, in order to 'cheat' online, there has to be some 'cybering' going on. That's against the rules and is bannable.
Pertaining to the subect of 'dumping', it is an inevitable fact. If you get into an online relationship, you will either 'dump' or be 'dumped.' The reason for this being, how would you intend spending the rest of your lives together on the internet? The only other option would be to take a huge risk and meet the person in real life. Once again, you don't know this person, you could be meeting an online predator, admittedly not likely here, but still possible. So if you don't wanna split up, don't get into tge relationship to begin with.
Dc - what the heck does herrrr mean other than a girl?
I online date, but me and jaw have been together for almost 6 months and nothing bad has happened between us :3
Plus i'm pretty sure he's not an online predator person thingy, lol. o-o x]
I agree with you. I'm into dating, well anywhere, and if you do, make sure you never lie. I know online dating makes you twist and turn, but if it's safe, it can be good.