Blog? Hmm.... Blog.... Oh wait... YOU are reading this, Hmmm? What should i write? Reviews? News? Stuff? I dunno. Wait.... Blog = 4 letters. Letter = 6 letters. Four = 4 letters. Six = 3 letters.... 2x Six = 6 or 12? Hm.... 4 + 6/2 = 7. 7 + 6 = ..........13. Thirteen means............... ABESOLUTELY NOTHING! WHAT WAS THE POINT OF THAT!!!!!!? Why am i even writing this? Not that anyone is gonna read this. Maybe Hull. If you do, stop reading. This is a waste of time. I'm writing this because i'm bored. Hmmmm.... You are someone else you say? Wait... *grabs a beer* so if you have stopped reading, that means theres no point of writing this...