Sharing with other people your feeling is a Powerful Tool for relaxing too, Tough you'll use your brain a lot to get specific words, wiriting may get you tired but its normal, Its another choice for relaxing, all you have to do is Get on your DSi because, it is small, You can instead of sit, Lay on your bed...on the sofa, And ...Its just like talking to yourself, reflect your toughs and transform them into words, this will probably give life to fantastic blogs, Right now i am relaxing writing this, i love writing.
Simple things may have Big meanings
When i am alone at home...i sometimes look at the simple things, one day i grab a little bug which was walking on the floor and played with him, i let him Walk on my hand, and i figured out it had beautiful colors..and it was so, so small i couldn't even feel his weigh, Also...Watching the sunset is relaxing, (for you Who live in apartments), And who likes to stay awake at Night t'ill late? Open your Window, Look at the sky, see the amount of starts there, and the Silenced street is a Blessing...
Walking Shoeless
Simple But awesome, Try walking Shoeless, Feel the floor, feel its texture, its temperature, And if you have a garden, Feel the the grass, it is really good.
Relaxing Music Suggestions:
(choosing musics is a very personal stuff, Heres a suggestion of what i like feel free to comment the relaxing musics you like.)
30 seconds to mars: Kings and queens, and overral 30 seconds to mars musics
• His Lyrics are very beautiful, And their musics makes you sing with them, for real, try them!
well i mean, you could just step outside, find something small and then take a picture of it. it distracts me from the bad that's going on in my life because then it gets me to look at the detail of the picture and i think of it on a deeper level. haha i know i'm kinda weird >.<
LIGHTS is definitely someone to listen to when you're looking for inner peace...her songs make you feel calm. :]
looking at, and taking pictures also makes me feel calmer. so does venting.
MidnightAngel @ Instruments are great, but you need a lot of dedication and weeks of work in order for it to work, this blog is subjected to everyone regardless of abilities and the tips here are supposed to be easy to try =P
I play Keyboard, and Thanks for the point about instruments
Also - Learn to play instrument like Piano , violin , acoustic gutair ect....soft music will call you down and let you consentrate
Drawing-you dontave to be good!it will help you relax and thonk more creatively