Demoko and kratos were practicing at fighting, while i leaned against a tree and read a book. Every so often i heard the clash of their swords. But i refused to look up, and kept reading. When a sword was hit out of demokos hand, and landed an inch away from me, i got up,(making sure to mark my page of course) and i walked over to them and shocked them. They jumped back in suprise. "Heh."i had said, emotionlessly. "Your litle training is done, we have to move on if we want any progress"I said annoyed. "Alright..."They said in unison of eachothers dissapointment. We walked through the forest "Grrr..."A low growl sounded. "Er?"I said looking around. Kratos pointed to the tree, and from behind came same creature beyond any words i could use to decribe. Demoko slashed the monster, and i finished the monster off by shooting fire. "I though it'd be stronger...Shame"I said while putting my scythe away. ""Uh, hey, rose, do you know where we are?"Kratos said. "Of course!"I said unsure. "Then where?"Demoko said. "We a forest."I said, trying to hide we were lost. "Yes, but where in the forest, rose?"Demoko said. "Heheh, i don't know! But i'll figure it out."I said, grinning confidently. "I've been exploring this forest since i was young"I said. "Uh...Alright, whatever you say rose."Kratos mumbled. I saw a tree, with a x in it. "We're near the spot we used to meet, the usual spot."I said. "Oh, then we'll get there soon."Demoko said. "Correction."I said. "Hmm?"kratos and demoko said. "I'll beat you there!"I said and ran ahead of them. "Oh no you won't!"Kratos said running after me. Demoko ran after "Wait for me!" I stopped at the spot in the forest we usually visited."I win."I said to the two who had just caught up with me. "Well you cheated, we didn't expect you to run ahead!"Demoko said. "You're just jealous im faster."I said. "Ha!"Kratos said.We heard a noise. "We arent alone."Demoko said.A shadow appeared. The shadow appeared to be getting close. continue?