Uhhh... Hiya.
Most of you may know me as DeluXDude, but if you can, call me XD, K?
Today, Imma gonn' talk about something we ALL know, not telitubies, or POGEYMANZ(Pokémon). It is.. BULLIES, smartie.
The reason why Imma doing this is 'cause Johnathon. JOHNATHON PORTEAU. He's a newbie at mah school. At first, he was as harmless as a lil' puppie, but after a schoolWeek (5 days), he started gettin' agressive.
In art class, he srarted purposley(SP XD) coughing on me. Then the followin' two days, I got VERY, EXTREEEMLY sick. Then, when I got better, he started annoying others(As well as to the girl I like), such as A HEFTY guy in my class named N- Oh wait. IMMA NOT GONN' TELL YOU HIS NAME!
Just yesterday, 10/28/09, He threw a mechanical pencil at our teacher out of rage, after I told on him for Kicking me in the butt. As you can guess, Mr. Teacher got REALLY mad.
Today, 10/29/09, he has OFFICIALLY gone mad. after he got a 47% on his Vocab test, he shoved me down, then stepped on me.
THEN, after class ended, he threw away my DOGGIE PENCILBAG (That the girl I like gave to me) IN THE TRASH. SERIOUSLY? WHO DOES THAT?
Anywayz... I gotta conclude this message. WHAT DO YA THINK I SHOULD DO TO THAT FOOL? Imma only 11, so I can't kill him ;_;. SEE YA!