Some of this stuff might be misspelled but I only have time to copy it straight from the database I got. These ones are only PC games, online or download. You might see the same game twice on different platforms but who cares?
033 - Flight Hour
Cheat Codes:
Press Alt + Control + F3 to access the console Cheats:
Code Result
iamthebest - unlimited life
youcantbeatme - unlimited ammo
04X - Alien Eliminator
Cheat Codes:
Press all the keys at the same time
Code Result
QET - simultaneously to turn cheating on.
I - for invincibility. (Turn off with U)
asdfg - to select a weapon.
N - to immediately enter the next level.
WRY - simultaneously to turn cheating off.
1 On 1 Soccer
Cheat Codes:
Select the "Cheats" option at the main menu, then enter one
of the following case-sensitive codes to activate the cheat
Result Code
The Beatles team - thEbeAtleS
The Rolling Stones team - thERStoNes
Wall - floSATball
Fly - flyiSgmoDE
Bowling ball - bOwliSbaLl
Tennis ball - teNniSbaLl
Beach ball - beSaChbAll
Low gravity - loWgraSiTy
Be the same player - AllSowsAme
10 Gnomes Episode 1 - The Rooftops
1. left side, shack with graffiti, on the rainpipe (left end)
2. left side, watch tower, right window
3. left side, chimney one from the right, gnome on the left
4. left side, chimney, zoom in on the right, gnome around the corner
5. middle building, left window, under the sewing machine
6. middle building, right facade, click in the circle
7. right side, church, church tower, click top ball, gnome falls off 8. right side, click tv arial with several stick on it, click right pipe,
click rigth area, look under the top and find eyes on the right in the dark
9. like the previous, but click right of the pipes, follow the arial up and
find gnome
10.The last gnome is on the right hand side, lower window. That takes you to a
patio and from there you go into the plant which is where the gnome is
10 Gnomes Episode 2 - Walk In The Park
- Left side, bench, right side of bench (1)
- Left side, pile of trees (2)
- Middle, click the tree branches above the black pigeon (3)
- Middle, click just to the right of the previous tree, click
dark tree to right (4)
- While in same seen, zoom out after clicking gnome, click to the right
of the dark tree on the stone structure, click inbetween stones (5)
- Middle, to the left of the man-looking thing on center tree, click on
the tree with the dark shading at the bottom of it (6)
- Middle, click the man-looking thing on center tree, then click to right
of man with the "V" tree, in knot hole (7)
- Middle, click the man-looking thing on tree 5 times, click metal structure
on left twice once on top part, once on bottom part (8 + 9)
- Right, farthest right you can click by another statue, pan left to click
stone block, click bottom left of statue (10)
10 Gnomes Episode 3 - Early Spring Garden
Main Scene:
-Bamboo chimes on the tree
-the pot in the main scene has a gnome hiding in the left hole, you
have to pixel hunt for the right spot to click his eyes
-far right on the chair
-to the left of the main scene there is the way to the garden path and a
little to the right there is a garden area in which there's a thing like
a mole repellent, there's a gnome behind there
-on the main garden screen on the lower part of the fence you can zoom into
a disposable planter and there's a gnome underneath that
Shed Scene:
-Through the path on the far left, to the fence
-and then near the bottom on the left corner
-To the left of the last gnome he'll be sitting on a pile of wood on the
lower edge
-To the right of middle gnome he'll be hiding in a drain pipe with just
his eyes showing
-near the drain pipe there's another pipe on the wall, behind that one is
another gnome. this one takes a little bit of pixel hunting to find him
Tall Fence To The Right of The Shed Scene:
The last gnome is on the scene where the tall fence is and there is a sign that
read NR306 click that and then you'll see the gnome but when you click the hot
spot it will look like it disappears, drag the mouse to the left til you see
him sitting on the metal box
10 Gnomes Episode 4 - Foggy Flat
1.Pipe Gnome #1: From the main scene, click the square grey structure to the
lower right, then click the right hand side column thing, and click it again.
The gnome is hiding inside it.
2.Cable Gnome: Go back two screens, so you’re facing the four windows of the
square structure. On top of the structure, left side, there’s some metal cables.
Click once. You’re looking at the roof of the structure. Click the metal thing
holding the cables up, and once again. There’s a gnome here.
3.Sitting Gnome: Go back to the main screen. See the large white structure in
front of you? Click to the right side of it, beyond the ladder. Click the right
side of it again. You’re looking at a row of concrete above a metal gutter.
Scroll all the way to the right of this scene, and click. More of the same, but
there’s a gap in the centre. Click to find a gnome sitting facing away from you.
4.Window Gnome: Go back to the main screen. On the left side of the large white
structure in front of you there are three barred windows in white. Click the one
nearest to you. Scroll to the right and click on the upper half of the obvious
bold black vertical line between the bars.
5.Cup Gnome: Back to the main screen. See the cables running from the upper level
down to the left side? You can’t click them directly. Instead, click to the right
of them. On the new screen, scroll to the right and click the metal thing holding
the cables up. To the centre-left there is a grey cup-shaped thing. Click it to
find a gnome. Go back to the main screen. Click the top area of the ladder to get
onto the upper level.
Upper Level:
6.Antenna Gnome #1: Click the antenna to the left of the scene, twice, then click
the pole, to find a gnome.
7.Pipe Gnome #2: At the Upper Level screen, there’s a grey square thing visible
against the sky, to centre-left. Left of this is a metal pipe-like structure. Click
it. Click the area again (anywhere between the grey thing – which are actually ropes
- and the ladder). Click the rightmost pipe thing to find a gnome.
8.Box Gnome: From the Upper Level screen, click on the extreme right of the screen.
In the new scene, there is a box on the ground. Click underneath it to find a gnome.
Go back down to the main screen. (You can do this by clicking between the grey square
visible on the first Upper Level screen.)
9.Pipe Gnome #3: Click to the left of the large white structure in front to go round
the building. In this area there’s a pipe set into the floor. Don’t click it; instead
click above it where the edge of the roof area is. In this scene, there are two small
pipes. There’s a gnome in the one on the right.
10.Antenna Gnome #2: Go back a few times. Keep clicking to the right of each scene
in this area until you’ve turned round to look at the blank white wall. To the right
is the way back to the main screen. On the left are two large white radar-antenna
sort of structures. Click the left one twice to find a gnome.
10 Gnomes Episode 5 - The Shipyard
From left to right:
1.Go as far left as you can. There’s a gnome sitting on one of the fuse
boxes on the wall of the darker building, near the box that says “RO-2?.
2.Still on the left, go to the boats. There’s a gnome peeking out from the
boat on the right.
3.To the right of the boats, there are some girders. There’s a gnome hiding
in the end of one of the girders (zoom in as far as you can go, then look
for the clickable spot).
4.Go back all the way (you should have some trees in front of you). Click the
building behind the trees, the one with lots of windows. Go to the right of
the building. You’ll see a big ship with two open areas on its hull; zoom in
on the left one. There’s a gnome hanging on for dear life near the pipes at
the top; when you click him, he comes crashing down.
5.Go back all the way (trees again), then go to the right once. You’ll see the
base of a tower, with buildings behind it. Click underneath the tower base,
right in the middle. Scroll to the left and you’ll see some more fuse boxes
in a little standalone kiosk (for lack of a better term). There’s a gnome
hiding underneath the right end of the kiosk’s roof.
6.Zoom out just to the base of the tower (go back twice). Zoom in on the
plants near the right corner. Go to the right; there’s a gnome sleeping
between some cog wheels.
7.Back out all the way, so you’re looking at the tower & buildings. Click the
building behind the tower. There’s a gnome hiding in the small vent hole on
the front of the building, above and to the right of the boarded-up windows.
8.Back out to the tower & buildings again. Zoom in on the right side of the
building, at the base. (One way to find the correct spot is to start at the
car and move left.) There’s a gnome sitting near the bottom of the hose reel.
9.Back out all the way, then go to the right as far as you can. Zoom in on
the wall once, then find where a pipe ends in an upside-down T-shaped thingy.
Zoom in on the end, then click the *top* (i.e. there’s a vertical pipe shutoff
and a horizontal pipe shutoff; click the vertical one.). The gnome will be
sitting on the shutoff valve toward the right.
10.Go back to the rightmost view and zoom in on the big white thing on the
right (looks vaguely like a cat). There’s a gnome hiding in the little round
hole in the middle of the white thing.
101 - The Airborn Invasion of Normandy
Cheat Codes:
Type in the following codes during gameplay:
Code Result
AirNormandy - soldiers re-jump into normandy
AngryManDinners - soldiers are given food
Beef - all the cows on the map are killed
Heknows - turns off Iknow
Helllive - all the germans on the map are killed
Hohoho - Gives your GI a brand new MG42 plus two ammo belts
Ihaveyounow - all the germans on the map are surrendered
Iknow - displays all germans, equipment bags, and insides
of buildings
PrisonPod - No parachutes
TraitorTraitor - current soldier surrenders
PrisonPod - removes all parachutes
Robocop3 - makes your soldier go berzek
Weasel - all soldiers on the map are made available
YouGoSquishNow - all the germans on the map are killed
101 Dalmatians - Escape from De Vil Manor
Rooftop Over Kitchen
Get to the rooftop by clicking on the bed in young Cruella's
bedroom. Click on the flowerpot to plug the hole in the roof.
This will allow you to click on the Trellis on the other side
of the roof. Once you have done that, you are on your way to
the attic.
There is a way out of the Manor in this room. You must go up
the pull-down stairs in the ceiling. To reach the stairs, the
trunk must be moved below them. To move the trunk, it must be
emptied. The trunk opens with the combination to the lock. The
combination is on the right-hand wall in Nanny's room that is
revealed behind a flap of wallpaper from a breeze when the window
is opened. You can open the window when you jump from the bed to
the windowsill. Click on the trunk and the combination will
automatically be entered.
Game Room
The game room offers another way out of the Manor. When you make
too much noise (i.e., barking) downstairs near Horace and Jasper,
you will get thrown into the game room. If you get thrown in the
game room a fourth time, the door slams behind you and knocks the
pool rack loose. Get the balls back into the rack and move the
rack by the door. Bark to summon Horace, who will open the door
and step on the balls! He will run into the wall with his backside
facing you. The Rhino head falls on Whizzer's head; when you click
on what's left of Horace, Whizzer will ram him and you will be
102 Dalmatians - Puppies To The Rescue
Cheat Codes:
Also known as: "Disney's 102 Dalmatians: Puppies to the Rescue"
Trap Jasper:
When Jasper starts chasing you, run - do not bark or fumble. Run to the beehive
that Fidget showed you. If you do this, Jasper will get buzzed.
Trap Horace:
Find Horace near the blue steps in Piccadilly. Open the manhole. Then let the
dog do all the work to trap Horace.
Defeating Cruella 1:
Shoot Pineapples and hit her five times to win.
Note: Power-ups such as the steak will be all around.
Finding Lucky:
Go behind the chair in the house and push on the wall.
Finding Rolly:
Enter the kitchen and look inside the cupboard.
Finding a bone:
Go to the cash register in the toy store level and open it. A bone will appear.
Parrot ride:
If you get 100 bones on each level, Waddlesworth the parrot will give you a ride.
When you have your bones, find a blue mark on the floor. He will ask if you want
a ride. Answer "Yes".
Television screen:
Go to the television in the living room in the De Ville Manor level. Bark or run
into the television to see a hidden screen.
Level 1: Get all the bones:
Chase the pigeon to the pigeon statue to get the rest of the bones.
Level 1: Finding the nut:
In level 1, Regents Park, you must find Fidget's nut to get all the bones. First,
you must get Jasper. Then, talk to Fidget and she will ask you to find her nut.
Her nut is in the gate that you open by defeating the car toy.
Level 2: Finding a bone:
Go to the cash register in the toy store level and open it. A bone will appear.
Level 2: Getting the puppy:
In level 2, the toy store, go into the second room and down a slide. You will see
Tibs by the water gun. Squirt ten bubbles to get a crate. Squirt the balloon to get
the puppy on the ground.
Level 3: Trap Horace:
Find Horace near the blue steps in level 3, Piccadilly. Open the manhole. Then
let the dog do all the work to trap Horace.
Level 3: Getting on the pillar:
Once you get to level 3, Piccadilly, talk to Fidget. Follow her to the town square.
Talk to her at the town square and she will tell you about the pillar. Find the four
smaller statues and press 3 when you are close to them. After the pillar is as low as
it can go, jump on it and press 3 to go up. When you are at the top, jump off.
There will be a surprise on top of the pillar.
Level 15: Trapping Lepelt:
In level 15, Spooky Forest, go to a place where you see a log. Make sure you talk to
Crystal first. After you talk to Crystal, try to leave that area by going past the
tree farthest away from the log. Lepelt will see you. Then, run back to the log.
Then, the puppy will do the work.
Level 17: Television screen:
Go to the television in the living room in level 17, De Ville Manor. Bark or run
into the television to see a hidden screen.
Make Lepelt speak:
Once you are in the Royal Museum level, go through a door with a pyramid picture
next to it. You will immediately see a giant pyramid. Go around the pyramid until
you see a door. Go in the door. Lepelt will be standing behind a pot. Do not go
over there yet. Jump into the sarcophagus that he planned for a trap and let the
puppy trap him. Once the puppy has trapped him, jump on top of the sarcophagus
and go where the face is. He will say a few different things each time you jump
on him.
Stuck cart:
In the Ancient Castle, go to where the catapult is outside. You will find a moving
cart with some hay on it. Bounce on it to find an extra try and some bones. To stop
it, let the cart push you towards the gate (which you open by defeating the toy
closest to it). After it stops pushing you and starts to move in the other
direction, stay where it stopped pushing you. When the cart returns, wait until it
is almost touching you, then bark. It will be stuck until you jump on it again.
Level 2: Getting on the train early:
In level 2, "Toy store," go into the ruins room. Jump on the trampoline and jump
to the ledge. Jump to the other ledge that is close to the other one. Walk all the
way around until you see a hole in the floor. Go to the edge of the ledge and jump
onto a platform. It will have a doggie point (extra four tries) on it. Wait for
the train. When it arrives, get on.
Level 10: Dunking Jasper:
Once you get to the "Carnival" level, you can easily go straight through the portal
and to the next level. However, to get the extra credit by finding the bones and
puppies, it might take awhile. To trap Jasper, you need to talk to the turtle (Shelby)
near the level entrance. He will tell you that he has seen Jasper. You must go near
the portal and find the dunk tank. The puppy (Domino or Oddball) will say something
similar to "I wonder if Jasper can swim...", then Jasper will be around the area of
where Shelby was located. Lead him to the dunk tank and use the dunk tank ticket
to squirt. Hit the target and dunk Jasper.
When you get into the bouncer go to the edge and double bounce by double clicking enter
several times. Then you will reach a higher ground.
1080 Snowboarding
Cheat Codes:
Ice Boarder:
To play as Ice Man, win Match Race mode on the Expert
level and top all the EAD scores in Trick Attack and Time
Attack modes. Press the left C Button and then the A Button
while choosing Akari Hayami.
Gold Ice Boarder:
Go on Kensuke Kimachi then press top C then A button.
(Note: You must beat the match race on expert while you
use the ordinary Metal Boarder)
Penguin Boarder:
Go to the training mode and complete all of the 24 stunts.
Then go back out to the board selection screen and highlight
the Tahoe 151 board and press the down-C button, then the A
Panda Boarder:
In order to race as the Panda boarder you must first
complete all of the attack modes with a first place ranking.
Once this has been accomplished head into the character
select screen and highlight Rob and press the right-C button
followed by the A button.
The Pandas tricks are below:
Back Flip:
When in the air, press R and down on the analog stick.
Panda will now perform a back flip in the air, worth 100
points. You can also perform this move close to the ground.
Front Flip:
When in the air, press R and up on the analog stick.
Panda will now perform a front flip in the air, worth 100
points. You can also perform this move close to the ground.
One Foot:
When in the air, press R and down on the analog stick. Your
Panda will now do a one-foot trick in the air, worth 400 points.
Panda Tweak:
When in the air, press R and move the analog stick in a
counterclockwise circle, then press R and left (reverse
these controls to do a Panda Tweak in the opposite direction).
This trick earns you 300 points.
Warp Without a Teleport Matrix:
When you start, build your Nerve Center. Then walk to the
very edge of your boundry. The green teleport light should
light up. When you get to the edge, press backspace. This
will warp you to an adamin where you can teleport for free
to anywhere on planet visitor!
11th Hour
Cheat Codes:
This cheat allows you to either watch the entire video of the game (except
the ending), or to access any part of the house (but the puzzles are not
solved for you). During the starting screen (the screen with the four s
kulls), type "Zaphod Beeblebrox", followed by "Eleventh Hour" (or possibly
the other way around . If you don't hear a bell, try pressing F12 first,
then retyping the above.
Here is a list of treasure hunt items, including the order to find them,
and the location of each.
1 Tonic Water Library
2 Cock Dutton's room
3 Satyr Picture gallery
4 Globe Library
5 Tablet Lab
6 Redbreast(Robin) Foyer
7 Desk Library
8 Torso Picture gallery
9 Liquor Dutton's room
10 Irish setter Games room
11 Grandfather clock Foyer
12 Straight razor Bathroom
13 Orange Dining room
14 Nightmare Knox's room
15 Great dane Library
16 Televison Dutton's room
17 Organ Chapel
18 Ivory Tower(rook) Attic
19 Torch Chapel
20 Grater Kitchen
21 Disc Lab
22 Toothpaste Bathroom
23 Guillotine Temple's room
24 Gardenia 2nd floor hall
25 Rose Burden's room
26 Earring Heine's room
27 Harp Music room
28 Nutcracker Hallway
29 Eyeball Games room
30 Blade Temple's room
31 Locomotive Attic
32 Sheets Burden's room
33 Cleaver Kitchen
34 Lion Hallway
35 Port Knox's room
36 Rattle Nursery
37 XI (on clock) Foyer(on the clock)
38 Inkstand Library
If you hit P twice during the skull "monitor adjust" screen,
then you can right-click to skip all the title stuff.
Skip introductory sequence:
Type PP during the monitor adjustment screen that displays a skull.
Right-click at the title screen to bypass the introductory sequence.
Advance in game:
Go to the skull load-in screen. Type the following case-sensitive text, with
spaces as noted: Roberto Dan R Zaphod B [Space]
After you type Roberto, Stauf will say, " Duh.... that's not it Karl!".
Ignore him, he
is trying to trick you. After the B, type [Space], then any of the following
letters to
get to that point in the game:
A: End of disc one.
S: End of disc two.
D: End of disc three.
F: End of disc four.
E: The "Olive In Stein" riddle, good for using the Kellyn code.
G: The very end, at the "Let's Make A Real Deal" intermission sequence.
Ending bonus:
Successfully complete the game to unlock the "Open House" file.
Load it to be able to play any puzzle an unlimited number of times.
Kaleidoscope screensaver:
Start the game and go anywhere in the mansion. Remain idle and eventually
the colors on the screen at that time will blend together as a screensaver.
It is different from every viewpoint in the mansion.
Hidden video:
Go to the television In Dutton's room at a point where you can see the
close-up view. Type Kellyn to see a hidden video.
Mocking cheaters:
In The 7th Guest, typing Zaphod Beeblebrox gave you open house access. Doing
this in The 11th Hour will only cause Stuaf to mock you.
Myst reference:
Get to a point in the game where you have access to the altar room. On the
side here, is a bowl you can click. There is a page sticking out among the
bones that says "Missed". This is an obvious reference to Myst and pages,
the game that the 7th Guest was accused of trying to mimic.
Screen saver:
The game includes a mesmerizing, kaleidoscopic screen saver. To activate it,
just stand idle for a long period of time. This can be done anywhere in the
house, including during puzzles. This screen saver is not mentioned anywhere
in the documentation.
Unusual video on Dutton's TV screen:
In Brian Dutton's room on the second floor, click the "rolling eyeball" icon
on the television set to get a closer look. Type in the name "Kellyn" and a
short video clip will play on the television screen.
12 O'Clock High - Bombing the Reich
As the Allies, you should watch from which airfields enemy
interceptors are launching, then bomb and fighter sweep those
fields the next day to pound the enemy fighters on the ground.
As the Axis, do not overcommit to the first raid that you pick
up, because it can often be a feint. Plot your intercepts to
harass a bomber stream over the length of its route, instead
of doing one large cluster attack, which leaves you without any
follow-up ability for quite some time.
As far as fighter combat goes, escorts should always have at
least one group flying high cover at 3,000 to 5,000 feet above
the main group, and interceptors should be set to take this high
cover into account.
147 Snooker
Make your opponent:
while your opponent computer is playing go on pressing Alt+F4
it will become a foul and a miss.
NOTE: Dont press while u are playing it will quit.
when ur playing the game just press the close button, this wont close
the game but it will stop the cue ball when u press the close button
thus stopping ur opponent to score.
1503 A.D. - The New World
Cheat Codes:
Type in 'Mastertag' as a case-sensitive code during game play to enable
cheat mode. Note: This only works in certain versions of the game. Then,
enter one of the following codes.
Effect Code
Money - [Ctrl] + M
Tools - [Ctrl] + T
Wood - [Ctrl] + H
Stone - [Ctrl] + Z
All building - [Alt] + P
Food - [Alt] + N
Clothing - [Alt] + K
Iron Ore - [Alt] + W
Alcohol - [Alt] + A
Bricks - [Alt] + Z
Cloth - [Alt] + C
Lamp Oil - [Alt] + L
Tobacco - [Alt] + R
Spice - [Alt] + G
Look up AI players - [Alt] + F
Easy money:
Use a text editor to edit the "bgruppen.dat" file in the "1503 addata"
folder. Look for the following entries in the file, about one fifth of the
way down.
Change the price ("preis"), as already done, to "900" and your people will
pay it. Obviously, other prices can be changed ("Salz" is salt, etc.), but
be careful. Do not mark up something that you plan on importing.
1602 A.D.
Cheat Codes:
Hold [Ctrl] + [Shift] + [Alt] + W during game play. A prompt
will appear at the bottom left corner of the screen. Type 2061
and press [Enter] at the prompt. Then, press A then press
[Enter] to enable cheat mode.
Code Result
Shift + M - Money
Shift + Z - Bricks
Shift + K - Cannon
Shift + H - Wood
Shift + T - Tools
gold - Gold
fastgame - All Building
To put army men on to your ships, you need to select them and
hold your finger down on the (Ctrl) key then select a ship.
But remember keep your finger on the (Ctrl) until they are on.
First enable the cheat mode:
Then type in [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [Shift] + W again and then type in a
number from 02 to 24. Then press Enter and A. Each time you press
A, you will get 5 tons of the number. If you want another item,
just type in another number and press enter and A.
All campaigns:
Note: This procedure involves editing a game file; create a backup copy
of the file before proceeding. Use a text editor to edit the "game.dat"
file in the game directory. Locate the line "Volume: -750, 0, -5??" and
change it to "Volume: -750, 0, -581".
Note: The "750" value may vary from game to game.
Enter Columbus and give yourself a yellow flag for $10,000.
Free items:
When you buy something and your income is red or low, save the game.
Load it again and you will have your money back.
* Free traders will bring you tools, which are necessary for early growth,
so set your warehouse to buy tools when the game starts.
* You can save valuable farmland by relying almost entirely on fishing
huts to feed your people; build lots of them and make sure you can
spare the carts to transport building materials.
* You can crank your tax rate up to the maximum as long as you keep your
citizens supplied with the luxuries they want.
To put army men on to your ships, you need to select them and hold your
finger down on the (Ctrl) key then select a ship. But remember keep your
finger on the (Ctrl) until they are on.
1701 A.D.
Cheat Codes:
Rename your warehouse to one of the following case-sensitive
names to activate the cheat function.
Result Code
BonanzaCreek - 100,000 gold.
Linlithgow - Warehouse filled with tools.
SiliconValley - All (current) research completed when you build.
the correct building.
ParadiseCity - Warehouse filled with all custom goods your people
need to stay happy.
MariaDelTule - Plant trees and other plants using the pipette.
1701 A.D. - The Sunken Dragon
Cheat Codes:
Rename your storage into one of the following names, for activating the
necessary code:
Code Result
BonanzaCreek - 100000 golds
Linlithglow - to fill the storage
SiliconValley - all discoveries
ParadiseCity - to fill storage with the necessary goods
MariaDelTule - trees to the plant
1701 A.D. Gold Edition
Cheat Codes:
Rename your warehouse to one of the following case-sensitive
names to activate the cheat function.
Result Code
BonanzaCreek - 100,000 gold.
Linlithgow - Warehouse filled with tools.
MariaDelTule - Plant trees and other plants using the pipette.
ParadiseCity - Warehouse filled with all custom goods your people
need to stay happy.
SiliconValley - All (current) research completed when you build.
the correct building.
18 Wheels of Steel - Across America
Cheat Codes:
In your "My Documents" folder, open your 18 Wheels of Steel folder. Use Notepad to
open the "config file". Change the line:
uset g_console "0" to uset g_console "1"
While playing, press [~] (tilde) to bring up the console, then type any of the
following codes:
NOTE: To open the console, you need to download patch 1.10.
Effect Code
$100,000 - cheat money
All truck dealers - cheat dealers
All truck drivers - cheat drivers
Maximum star rating - cheat stars
1.First u must start a new game and the city must be New York
2.Then u must color ur truck blue
3.Then ride to the New York Truck Dealer
4.Then when u go to Buy Truck there would be the 2 best trucks in the game
Another way to get more money [all ver.]:
This method is base on editing files, so make sure to BACKUP "base.scs"
Note: This file is about 135mb. In that case, it will little bit slow while
you editing this file. So be patience
To edit this file we have to use "windows® xp built in compression utility"
If you have installed "winzip" ,"winrar" or other compression utility.
Then unassociated zip file.
Winzip: goto options >> configuration >> system and click on the "associations"
button and uncheck ".zip"
winrar: goto options >> settings >> integration and uncheck the box next to "zip"
[This because the version of the WinZip, winrar, you may try with earlier ver.
Of the WinZip and winrar]
Let's begin:
1.Rename file "base.scs" to ""
2.double click to open the file
3.go in to "defs" folder
4.In this folder, you will find folder named "scenarios" and drag this folder
to yours desktop.
5.then delete the "scenarios" folder in ""
6.go to "scenarios" on the desktop and open "free_mode.def" with notepad
7.change ' money:"1000" to money:"1000000000" ' the file and copy "scenarios" folder
9.return to "defs" folder in the "" and paste
10.rename "" to "base.scs"
11.when you start new game in free mode you will have $1000000000
Note: you can also edit other files in the "scenarios" folder and can
change "truck:xxxxxx" with "mch613, kw900, mch603, fcl, flcc, kt2000,
kk100, p351, p362, vvn, ws, fln"
View game files:
The .scs files in the game's main directory are really .zip files that have a
different extension. Renaming a copy to .zip allows you to open it and see the
game files.
No Traffic:
Tired of being held up or being hassled by the fuzz? Go to "documents" and open up
the "18 WoS Across America" folder. Go to config.cfg and open it with notepad. Go
to the line that says uset g_traffic "1" and change the "1" to a "0". Then you can
run lights, skip weight stations, drive on the wrong side and do what ever you want.
Your own music:
Copy your Wave music (if converted to Wave) into the any of the folder in the music
folder in the 18 WoS Across America folder located in the My Documents folder in
Windows Explorer. During gameplay, press J for the Jukebox and your music will be
18 Wheels Of Steel - American Long Haul
Cheat Codes:
Use a text editor to edit the "config.cfg" file in the "18 WoS American Long Haul"
This will (in order), enable ~ to display the console window; enable developer mode;
and disable the police. To activate the remaining cheat codes, press ~ during game
play to display the console window.
The cheat code must be entered in the by pressing the [Tab] key and entering the
correct cheat code to work.
Code Result
cheat money - Gives you $500.000
cheat driver - Gives you a random driver
cheat rating X - Company rating increased
(where X is a two-digit company number from 00-23)
Cheat: Free garages:
This cheat is about getting all garages for free.
* Open saved files. Go 2 your last saved game folder.
(Mostly it would be tha last.)
* Open "game.sii" with notepad. Search for such file:
* Now in your file change "false" to "true".
* Do not change any thing else.
* Do this for all garage files.
* Thats it u done.
* own all garages.
For more queries and hints post me at
Go to my documents look in your 18 wheels of steel american long haul folder then go
to save click on 1 2 3 4 5 6 or any other one then open game with the notepad scroll
down to money_account: only erase the numbers the then type 1,000,000 then x out and
click save changes then open your gome then load the one you gave a million dollars
Making new contract without dealing to company:
Go to folder where game is saved, inside it go to save folder in that open last saved
game in that open the file named "game.sii".
Find and go to companies detail, find the line such as
change it to rating:
Do it for all the companies. You will have 4 contracts with every company.
This is how you disable getting tired during a mission. Go to 18 Wheels of steel
American long haul directory in my documents. Open game with note pad. Look for
fatigue, and change it from "1" to "0". X out and then click save changes, and you
wont be tired again or need a rest during a mission.
Go To Your main 18 wos folder in my documents (default). then click the "config.cfg"
file, and find the line that says:
uset g_fatigue "1". change that to: uset g_fatigue "0"
This will disable the need to stop and rest during the game. So Keep On truckin!
Infinite Money/Drivers:
Under your save file, enter the "game" file and search for "money_account" and type
the ammount of money you want, and for Drivers, you look for "drivers" under the
"money_account" and type in the ammount of drivers you want.
1.Go into The Game
2.Make A New Game
3.Save The Game
4.Exit Out Of The Game
5.Go Into "Documents"
6.Look For "18 WoS American Lon...."
7.Double Click(Open)
8.Look For "Save"
9.Double Click(Open")
10.Go Into The Folder There It Should Say "1"
11.Go Into A document Named "Game"
12.Then Scroll Down To The Bottom Of "Page: 3"
13 Look For A Section That Says "Bank"
14.Underneath It Should Say "money account"
15.Erase The Number There
16.Type In Whatever Number You Want
17.Then Click The "Save Icon"
18.Exit Out And You Go Into Your Game And It Should Work
19.To Get more Money Do Steps 1-19
Unforgiving Weather:
If you want to had a bad weather...just edit the game.sii in ALH save file..find this
...try the game....and you will have looks like white one come down..........if you
doesn't like it. Just change the digit to "0" and the good things is....
It works with all 18 WOS edition. Except for Extreme Trucker.
18 Wheels Of Steel - American Long Haul
Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: RM
Use a text editor to edit the "config.cfg" file in the "18 WoS American Long Haul"
This will (in order), enable ~ to display the console window; enable developer mode;
and disable the police. To activate the remaining cheat codes, press ~ during game
play to display the console window.
The cheat code must be entered in the by pressing the [Tab] key and entering the
correct cheat code to work.
Code Result
cheat money - Gives you $500.000
cheat driver - Gives you a random driver
cheat rating X - Company rating increased
(where X is a two-digit company number from 00-23)
Go to my documents look in your 18 wheels of steel american long haul folder then go
to save click on 1 2 3 4 5 6 or any other one then open game with the notepad scroll
down to money_account: only erase the numbers the then type 1,000,000 then x out and
click save changes then open your gome then load the one you gave a million dollars
Making new contract without dealing to company:
Submitted by: Amol
Go to folder where game is saved, inside it go to save folder in that open last saved
game in that open the file named "game.sii".
Find and go to companies detail, find the line such as
change it to rating:
Do it for all the companies. You will have 4 contracts with every company.
Submitted by: LINKS T
This is how you disable getting tired during a mission. Go to 18 Wheels of steel
American long haul directory in my documents. Open game with note pad. Look for
fatigue, and change it from "1" to "0". X out and then click save changes, and you
wont be tired again or need a rest during a mission.
Go To Your main 18 wos folder in my documents (default). then click the "config.cfg"
file, and find the line that says:
uset g_fatigue "1". change that to: uset g_fatigue "0"
This will disable the need to stop and rest during the game. So Keep On truckin!
Infinite Money/Drivers:
Submitted by: Tony
Under your save file, enter the "game" file and search for "money_account" and type
the ammount of money you want, and for Drivers, you look for "drivers" under the
"money_account" and type in the ammount of drivers you want.
1.Go into The Game
2.Make A New Game
3.Save The Game
4.Exit Out Of The Game
5.Go Into "Documents"
6.Look For "18 WoS American Lon...."
7.Double Click(Open)
8.Look For "Save"
9.Double Click(Open")
10.Go Into The Folder There It Should Say "1"
11.Go Into A document Named "Game"
12.Then Scroll Down To The Bottom Of "Page: 3"
13 Look For A Section That Says "Bank"
14.Underneath It Should Say "money account"
15.Erase The Number There
16.Type In Whatever Number You Want
17.Then Click The "Save Icon"
18.Exit Out And You Go Into Your Game And It Should Work
19.To Get more Money Do Steps 1-19
18 Wheels Of Steel - American Long Haul
Cheat Codes:
Use a text editor to edit the "config.cfg" file in the "18 WoS American Long Haul"
This will (in order), enable ~ to display the console window; enable developer mode;
and disable the police. To activate the remaining cheat codes, press ~ during game
play to display the console window.
Cheat money/ cheat driver/ cheat rating x:
The cheat code must be entered in the by pressing the [Tab] key and entering the
correct cheat code to work.
Code Result
cheat money - Gives you $500.000
cheat driver - Gives you a random driver
cheat rating X - Company rating increased
(where X is a two-digit company number from 00-23)
Cheat: Free garages:
This cheat is about getting all garages for free.
* Open saved files. Go 2 your last saved game folder.
(Mostly it would be tha last.)
* Open "game.sii" with notepad. Search for such file:
* Now in your file change "false" to "true".
* Do not change any thing else.
* Do this for all garage files.
* Thats it u done.
* own all garages.
For more queries and hints post me at
Go to my documents look in your 18 wheels of steel american long haul folder then go
to save click on 1 2 3 4 5 6 or any other one then open game with the notepad scroll
down to money_account: only erase the numbers the then type 1,000,000 then x out and
click save changes then open your gome then load the one you gave a million dollars
Making new contract without dealing to company:
Go to folder where game is saved, inside it go to save folder in that open last saved
game in that open the file named "game.sii".
Find and go to companies detail, find the line such as
change it to rating:
Do it for all the companies. You will have 4 contracts with every company.
This is how you disable getting tired during a mission. Go to 18 Wheels of steel
American long haul directory in my documents. Open game with note pad. Look for
fatigue, and change it from "1" to "0". X out and then click save changes, and you
wont be tired again or need a rest during a mission.
Go To Your main 18 wos folder in my documents (default). then click the "config.cfg"
file, and find the line that says:
uset g_fatigue "1". change that to: uset g_fatigue "0"
This will disable the need to stop and rest during the game. So Keep On truckin!
Infinite Money/Drivers:
Under your save file, enter the "game" file and search for "money_account" and type
the ammount of money you want, and for Drivers, you look for "drivers" under the
"money_account" and type in the ammount of drivers you want.
1.Go into The Game
2.Make A New Game
3.Save The Game
4.Exit Out Of The Game
5.Go Into "Documents"
6.Look For "18 WoS American Lon...."
7.Double Click(Open)
8.Look For "Save"
9.Double Click(Open")
10.Go Into The Folder There It Should Say "1"
11.Go Into A document Named "Game"
12.Then Scroll Down To The Bottom Of "Page: 3"
13 Look For A Section That Says "Bank"
14.Underneath It Should Say "money account"
15.Erase The Number There
16.Type In Whatever Number You Want
17.Then Click The "Save Icon"
18.Exit Out And You Go Into Your Game And It Should Work
19.To Get more Money Do Steps 1-19
Unforgiving Weather:
If you want to had a bad weather...just edit the game.sii in ALH save file..find this
...try the game....and you will have looks like white one come down..........if you
doesn't like it. Just change the digit to "0" and the good things is....
It works with all 18 WOS edition. Except for Extreme Trucker.
Unforgiving Weather:
If you want to had a bad weather...just edit the game.sii in ALH save file..find this
...try the game....and you will have looks like white one come down..........if you
doesn't like it. Just change the digit to "0" and the good things is....
It works with all 18 WOS edition. Except for Extreme Trucker.
Thank you for reading, and I hope you found this informative. If you want any cheats, hints etc just tell me the game. Also, tell me what you think of this in the comments.