We're having 'Suicide Prevention' presentations for Health this week at school, so I thought I'd give some info on it. Please accept admin, it's a growing problem.
Suicide=permenant solution, for temperary problem
There's more to life, it isn't going to end. Think about who you'll leave behind. They may not seem to care about you, but they do. If you think family members won't care, they will. You are unique, and can never be replaced.
A story my PE teacher told us:
7 years ago, there was Danny. He was a wrestler, streight A student. My PE teacher had him 2 times a day. One day, he went home fo lunch, naver came back. The teacher remembers thinking it was odd he was gone for afternoon classes, but just dismissed the thought from his mind. So, the school calls his home, no answer. The can't call his parents, they work 25 miles away. So, they send his little sister to check on him. She gets there, theres a note on the table, "Don't go out to the shed. Danny" She goes out to the shed, he shot himself. She is scarred forever with that image. Would you want that to happen to the ones you care for? Think, how would it hurt your family, friends, or mabey even your teachers or boss?
Over 80% of people thinking about Suicide show signs of it.
Signs: Giving away prized possesions
Depressed all the time
many more...
How to prevent: call Suicide Hotline
Google '______ Suicide Hotline'
state living in
call them.
Talk to counselors, family, friends, ANYONE.
Thank you for reading, and, remember, It will get better.
we believe the bible to be the word of god as far as it is translated correctly, we also believe the book of mormon to be the word of god.
-article of faith # 8
I haven't read all the responses here, but I am happy that you made this blog Jesse. As for what you guys are saying about Christianity, yes suicide is a sin, you're taking a life, but we cannot judge where those who kill themselves go. The amount of pain one must be in to take one's own life... it's A LOT of pain, plus one is not always rational in a state of mind like this. From what I understand when the Bible says, "Judge not lest ye be judged," it is referring to calling that judgement upon others, of where they go after death. Remember that God loves us, with a love we can't even understand.
If any of you are ever having suicidal thoughts please do follow the advice Jesse wrote, you are always welcome to talk to me if you want as well.
I had a friend who killed herself over 2 years ago. We were childhood friends but didn't talk much anymore after high school, still I had known her since 5th grade. Now, I have had my father pass away, and let me tell you, he was old, he was in his 70's, I could accept that. To this day I still think about my friend everyday, and wonder what it would be like to let her meet my little girl, or what she would be doing with her life now.
I know the amount of pain she had to be in to do what she did, and to just imagine that kind of agony makes me cry right now. You may not know it by my disposition now, but I had a long battle with depression, and there were quite a few times I wished I wasn't alive because I just couldn't take the pain anymore. I never attempted suicide, but trust me, those who do, its not that they want to die, its that they want to stop the pain.
I thank God that I am the person I am today, and my suffering in the past gives me insight. Without my past I wouldn't be who I am now, and if my pain from the past can help any of you in the present, then it was well worth it. I care about each and every one of you, so don't think for one second that no one cares, because I do.
I have faith in God, and believe the Bible. Juat thought id throw that out there. I never hought this blog would get so many responses, thank you. i just noticed again, its formatted right now. WOO
Its a good thing you posted this... you saved me a long 2 hours... My cousin (also my best friend...) commited scuicide.... And the cause? bullies... My post would be depressing so I'm happy you did this....
Does anyonr read the bible here?! I belive not many kidds do these days. It's not a question of believing in god for some. It's to show faith in god. Alots of people know god exist. But they don't Show faith. And i think thats wors thain not believing. cus there is people that don't believe in god... But are really nice people. And those who do know he exist should try to believe god better. Cus there are people that have changed their minds about god and shows reeealy much faith.
the only suicide thats cool is the wrestler in tna other suicides are not cool oh and dont do drugs cause it can be like commeting suicide cause you kill your liver and you need it so all im saying is dont commet suicide its not cool.
I had a friend, He was one of the best. He killed himself. Cut his throught. He wasn't intentionally good with life, He didn't show it. He seemed perfectly okay, He would still play guitar with me everyday, Sing the songs we wrote. September 17th 2009, He made a video, He said goodbye to his family, friends, me. A slip on the camera button, He meant to turn the camera off, He didn't. Three weeks later I recieved a copy of the video, Watched the fear in his eyes as he killed himself. It was hard to coup with, Much to the fact he didn't really have a reason to live, Well he thought he didn't. This affected me, I've been suicidel in the past I'm not going to lie, Cause by SDD (Severe Depression Disorder) even when you get the least most upset, You want to phisicaly take it out on yourself. Being put through therepy didn't help, For some people there is no cure. In this blog you state "permenant sulotion to a temporary problem" Now tell me, I have a disorder that will never go away, Tell me I will never have these thoughts again, Sometimes you can't fix everything. Dabateable, Some people just need a friend. But really, This does no help to people who think of suiciding, And if you haven't been to this state of mind, You wouldn't understand how hard it is to go to counselors and talk, That may help, But for some people there is no cure...Just think about that.
people who commit suicide go ↓ do u want to i say no if u do u may think no1 would care but more people than u can think of will care so dont commit suicide
My best friends friend Tyi (R.I.P) commited suicide on 12-23-09. He was one of her best friends, a friend she could tell everything to. Her pain is so great that even typing this I'm close to tears. I didn't even know the man! Anyways, even though I do cut, it is only for relief. I would never *EVER* commit suicide. I know how it affects people. Seeing Chloe one month after Tyi's passing....... It was...undescribable. I know that you think no one will care, but they will. For anyone who enjoys a good reading and wants to know what might happen to your family/friends if you do commit suicide, check out the book "Tears of A Tiger". I forget who it's by, but it was very inspirational.
Im going to clear these topics up about the bible and Hell and all that. First of all you dont just go to Hell because of suicide, remeber that to get into Heaven you have to ask for forgiveness. But suicide counts against you for your human actions on Earth. The Bible says you should not take any human life, including yourself
In many cases, those who commit suicide are so far gone that nothing can be done to save them. It's very sad. Most people think of suicide as a conscious decision, but extreme chemical imbalances in the brain can bring the person's mind so far gone that one cannot recognize that person anymore. No amount of counseling or medication can help such individuals. Everyone knows that suicide will eventually come, and that inevitable fact may be unstoppable.
Regardless, for any instance that you know someone who is showing any warning signs, please do whatever you can to help. There is a chance that you may save that person's life. I have relatives, friends, and acquaintances who have either commited suicide or have attempted it. You always wonder what could've been done to stop them, if anything could've been done.
In reference to that Hell comment: The Holy Bible says nothing about those committing suicide going to Hell. There is, however, the general belief that those who commit suicide have no chance to repent for their sins beforehand. Yet, just look at the grace of God in the famous John 3:16-17. I don't believe you will find on clergymember who wouldn't say that God forgives anyone in enough pain to take his or her life.