The darkness fades away taking my memories of you with them. I had loved you once in my life, and I shall forever love you. The instinct for me to protect you is forever engraved into my soul, the instinct to want to hold you is forever burned into my mind. My hands wish to finally caress your small face as you soundly sleep within the sanctuary of your room. Forever losing someone is harsh to think about. You never got to breathe in the fresh air of the day for the first time, and I was only able to hear your small heartbeat once. Steadily trying to hold back every emotion never worked, I fell to my knees crying trying to comprehend that you are gone. Love is a strong word, but I will forever love you. My dear son, you deserve the best; take your eternal life now and believe how much your mother loves you, because you still mean the world to me.
-Raynen Zack Folley, my sweet son, may you forever live within my heart and remain in my memories