Sparkling waters that were once pure;
Are now filled with questions and dullness of things that once were.
Memorys that bring pain come in the reflection.
Confusion rippling in every direction.
A dellusion;
A built up reality that has no intrusion.
If you look deep enough into the pond;
Is it really shame that changed you?
A play in words, A twisted song, All ending up the same all along.
A face that is in a form of 2.
The boundary of lies and truth is broken, nothing new.
To my reality, where else can i go when such troubling things will end up coming back to me anyway?
Stumbling ahead and shattering the mirror;
You have only lived an error.
This way or that way? You ask yourself.
"It doesn't matter."
I begin to wonder;
Where could this road take you?
A dimly lighted road;
Leading to something unknown.
To my hope;
Where are you?
Stumbling ahead,
Not worrying about what way i choose.
The way i chose in the end will prove;
That i should've simply improved...
What's new?
The blinding light that shone;
Woke me up to the world that i never knew.
I must stop dreaming and think straight;
But, for me, that will never do.
Living incredibly dull lives,
Chasing numbers and not caring about the truth.
No, i won't ever be like you.
My reality's all i need and my life with it will be colorful.
Dellusion, intrusion;
What's new?