Alot of people think I'm a [lut +s] but I swear I'm not, It's really hurtful cause I know my cornfields is the only thing that will stop me from crying. I'm really country and I'm a coal miners daughter, My role model is Loretta Lynn. I know I'ma get into the Grand Ol' Opry somday! I got raped at 13 so Now I have a sweet 1 year old baby boy. I'm a really smart girl and I'm part punk lol. I love to ride my motercycle!!! And the go-cart, and 4-wheeler lol. I dunno what to write now...
must be hard for you?
Whats your 13yr old kid gonna say when your 27?
Who did it, Ill effin shove his penis up his nose and let him play with himself until he sneezes!
you make me cry and my heats split it 2 two peaces im so so sorry about the rap, i i were with you i would have done every thing to protect you im so sorry.i just had to say that becase i had girl frind that got raped and i waset their for her.[cry]