It's been a long while since I've done a religious blog. It's mostly about politics or the crap that goes on here. This should be a nice alternative.
Earlier today, I come into the chatrooms to find a bisexual member being told she can't be a Christian because she's bisexual.
Although I am a christain myself, and in my opinion, I think homosexuality and bisexuality are both minor problems, as far as traditional marital goes, but geez, It doesn't mean you can't make a choice to be a Christian. It doesn't mean you are doomed to Hell.
We got into a religious conversation. Everything I said, he said I was wrong.
Everything I said, he twisted my words and shot them back to me like a rubberband.
Sure, everybody is entitled to a rubber band, but they are to use the rubber band as a tool to hold their stuff together. Not as a weapon to shoot at eachother. Do you understand what I am saying?
If you think my beliefs are wrong, so be it. But you have no right to say I'm wrong. Because if you THINK I'm wrong, then that means you THINK you're right.
I listen to what's around me. My surroundings. Everything I believe in was my own choice. It wasn't bribed, it wasn't crammed down my throat, it isn't because my friends and family believe the same thing, and I'm just trying to impress them. It is ME. it is because I open my eyes, and I SEE what is going on. I SEE what happens.
I love to learn. I can't keep my nose out of books. I take advantage of ANYTHING that teaches me.
Sometimes I learn by reading.
Sometimes I learn by listening.
Or by watching.
And even doing.
And that's why I am happy to be a Chritian. Because, at one time, we Christians were just like that.
Open minded.
Open eyed.
And open hearted.
Why can't we just all be ourselves. If some people say they are bisexual let them be who they want to be. There s nothing in the bible that says you can't be whho you want to be or what you want to be. Just be yourself and God will be happy. God made us able to think on our own and act on our own. If we be who we are and don't try to be what people want you to be, I think God would be happy with us. If we did any sinful things during the past he will forgive us. Everyone has done sinful things and he has forgiven us. I think you should just be your true self.
neon- That statement wasn't well thought out at all. I'm a Christian. I don't care if someone is homosexual. I'm pro choice. I'm not telling you to follow god. It's your life, do what you want with it. Actually, all my siblings have those thoughts as well. Don't make generalizations.
What haxorus says is an unfortunate truth. I tried explaining it in an earlier post, but i don't think people understood. As long as there is religion there will be war over who's right.
Yeah Christians are real open minded.. Like when they're protesting homosexuality and abortion and forcing their religion on others and telling them they are going to burn in hell forever, taking away rights and burning people on the stake.
I believe you are entitled to believe what you wish, maybe I am confused over your religion's customs because I am not part of it, by why should things like homosexuality be shunned? Whatever, your blog does not say that so good job.
Hull, forgive me if I sound really pissed off right here, but that was a completely stupid comment you made. Bi is not an orientation? I'm pretty sure it is, actually. To say that all bisexual people just want attention is like me saying that all Christian people are close-minded bigots who force their religion down other people's throats. Neither of those statements are true.
one thing i'm wondering. correct me if i'm wrong, but the bible says to obey man's law. what would happen if man's law said to destroy the bible and abandon christianity? i'm just curious
Wait, wait, you want everyone to be openminded? Then why don't we have the right to say "That's wrong"? We're not being closed-minded, you are. What makes you the exception to openmindedness? Would telling someone shouting "EGGS CAUSE CANCER BECAUSE THE EGGS EAT YOUR PANCREAS" is wrong be something you have no right to do?
If you look at examples like this "but I say unto you, that every one that looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart." (Matthew 5:2, you will see that all forms of lust are sinful, straight or gay. ("Bi" is not an orientation, just a cry for attention.) If you fornicate or view pornography, you are sinning on the same level. It's a struggle to live a Holy life when we are bombarded by vulgar images on a daily basis. I don't personally know one person who has not fallen short at one time. It's that imperfection that makes us human. Don't just accept that fact and leave it there. Try to live as Jesus would, and your life will be much more fulfilling.
Also, when you "pray to god that he saves" someone, that just makes that someone a lot more mad. Don't do things like that, because they make you look like you're forcing your religion upon people.
All of you should be gay. It's a sin that your straight. How stupid does that sound? Yep. A lot. So don't push a BOOK in someones face that you don't know it's true. That's why your "believers"
skittles- i'm aware of that. i often point out to people that in the bible it says that no sin is greater than another. i just felt like saying something else for a change.
I never said the bible is a lie. In fact, I am a Christian. I follow the bible, I believe what it says. You are the ignorant one. I was only asking questions.
"Tribulation and anguish, on every soul of man who does evil..." -Romans 2:8. As musicgurl said, humans are imperfect. That means we will all sin eventually and that we're all going to suffer. so is there any point in following this religion, other than moral values? Should religion, which has started so many fights, even be legal? should we not, just keep a book explaining morals rather than a book claiming to explain creation? if i remember correctly, adam and eve weren't aware of what would happen if they sinned, nor were they aware that sin existed, at first. simply because of the fact that they didn't know any better, they would've gone to heaven. so, if later generations of humans had no knowledge of God, Satan, Heaven, and Hell, we could give them a book of morals, and if they followed what they read would they not go to heaven? We could even give them a book that says to kill each other and if they follow it, they should still go to heaven, because they know nothing else.
People think that your a Christain by just accepting Jesus as your savior and going to church. Not true. It's not that easy. You have to live the life, change your additude, and basicly follow Jesus's example. Now, people (and even whole churches) come up with their own thing about being a Christian thinking "Oh, i can do whatever i want as long as go to church and God won't mind!". That's not true. Humans are imperfect. So are their thoughts. When people make up their own thoughts about how to serve God, they're dead wrong, because God is perfect and ALL his thoughts are right and surperior to humans. You can't just doing whatever you want and be a Christian. It doesn't work that way. You can't just avoid some parts of what God thinks to do whatever you want but praise other parts. That's NOT being a Christian. God doesn't change his mind and his purpose just because a certain amount of his followers are gay, lesbian or bisexual. In reality, you may accept Jesus, but you aren't a true Christain, because you'd read the Bible and know what God wants, not what you want to do. As a teenager, i know you get different feelings about a certain sex because of hormones. That's fine, it's natural. But if you were a true Christian, you'd know should try to get wrong thoughts out of your mind and heart, and not go running around saying you like boys or girls because you feel like that for the moment because of PUBERTY. Also there are the "Chritians" who take things too literal and treat gay people horribly. That's not Christain either. They should know that the Bible says "Treat all with respect." So you may not like what a person does but you don't force on him or her what to do. God will take are of things (but not send people to hell, the whole heaven or hell when you die thing is NOT EVEN IN THE BIBLE, God has another purpose) I think that homosexuality is wrong but do you see me bashing gay people? No. So pretty much what i'm trying to say through all this (i don't want fights or to sound preachy or better than everyone) is that you can't be a Christian if you don't know what God wants and you haven't sacrificed your life to him. He can't change his mind about the rules he set. Yes, he understands all things, but still not when you do things wrong. God lets people do whatever they want now, but soon they'll be a change.