OK in FA's story Ragnar is a eveeellll general of teh spies a.k.a "Zuaks" in the story so far they show Ragnar as a COWARDLY GENERAL who wants to destroy the guardians but later (SPOILER ALERT DO NOT CONTINUE READING IF U WANT IT FROM FA FIRST)He is actually soft-hearted and is looking for his long lost girlfriend (name not available right nao) and he his plotting his master's demise becuz his master caused his girlfriend and her family to run away and later on in teh story he chnges his name to Genesis to escape from teh evil master. nao i will stop and let FA continue for me
Lol. Ragnar "Vecs" are the spies. "Zuaks" are the heavy armored soldiers. And you are not cowardly. And yes I was thinking of doing something like this. I'll keep you updated. Bye!