Jake and his grandfather walked alone to a corridor about 10 yards down another hallway. Father Time pushed the door open. Now, from the outside perspective, the room was small. Almost like a janitor's closet. Yet, from the inside perspective...It was like a bedroom times ten. There were spandex clothing along one rack, with different colors and sizes. Capes on another rack, some long, some short, all different colors. A shelf full of boots, bracers(not BRACES), belts, and even masks. Father Time noticed Jake staring in amazement. "We will get you fit in style, yes? You shall be the best looking hero there is. Along side me and your father, huh? Haha!" joked Father Time.
Elroy then walked in and saw the two standing there. "Masserr? Wahh yoo doeen heeere? Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh I sees. We geet heem sooterd up, yess?" spoke Elroy in his almost impossible-to-understand voice. He must do a lot around here, power crystal inspections, and now wardrobe. Elroy closed his eyes, finger tips to temples, and bit his lip. "Err yess, I sees. I sees hees looke" mumbled Elroy. The little man took all of the racks and ran out the door. "He is going to put them together, customize it. To answer your question, Jake. He is a goblin, a very crafty being. They know a lot of power, crafts, tools, and basic things" said Father Time as Elroy walked in the door. The goblin held up the costume...