I, Sam Puckett, are in love.
Yes, that doesn't happen very often. Well, I've never been in love. But let me tell you what happened to make all this "magical" love crap started anyway. I started when a girl (Me) and a boy (Freddie Benson) were out on the fire escape, the girl was apologizing for telling the world his biggest seceret. He's never kissed anybody.
We were about to end out webshow I decided to get revenge for one of his pranks.
"A few days ago, Freddie handcuffed me to a nerd. So now I'm getting back at him. So guess what? Freddie's never kissed a girl, never. Not once. He said it so himself, and Carly's a witness." They all stared at me. "Well, bye!" I said as I walked away. Carly chased after me. "Sam! You just ruined Freddie's life!" Carly yelled.