Drip, drip, drip.
Drop by drop.
Red liquid.
Flowing out.
Looks so disgusting,
But at the same time so sweet.
Begging to come out,
Yet stopping to heal.
Your eyes twitch.
Your mind goes blank.
You watch the blood.
As your veins arise to your skin.
And your skin turns blue.
You feel dizzy.
What is it you have done?
You don't feel the need to scream anymore.
You created a masterpiece.
A memory.
For those some wish to forget.
But you want to remember.
The pain.
The agony.
You love it.
To some it'spointless.
But to those who are pure...
Know what it's like.
When you have control over one thing.
One thing in this chaotic world.
That you call home.