Hello Everybody! (from Mismag882's YouTube vids) I come before you to rate Black Shades, a PC/Mac freeware FPS. The goal is to keep your VIP alive for the whole round, using weapons, and your psychic abilities. Now for the actual ratings:
Controls-9/10verall, I'm pleased, but to pick up a dead assasin's weapon, you must press q-control-left click. A little too complicated when one second can mean life or death.
Graphics/Physics-10/10: The graphics aren't great...but there not supossed to be. It uses ragdoll physics, so if you shoot a zombie in the back, he'll go flying a whole block. Seriously.
Weapon Selecton-8/10: The weapons are: assault rifle, handgun, magnum, knife, sniper rifle, grenades, and a shotgun. This is good, but the grenades are hard to use. It would be better if they include a rocket launcher or a SMG.
Glitches/Bugs-10/10: There are glitches galore, but they're great. A shotgun blast to the VIP's back equals...wait? where'd he go?!?
Overall-9.5/10: An amazing game, and it's FREE! So, just try it!