My head is pounding away filled with the gears that are finding someway to escape the prison that I'm trapped in. It is light and then it's dark, a reflection like paper and tin. How to get out, will anyone know? I'm helpless and forced to watch the show. The one that goes on in my brain, the one with umbrellas and puddles and rain. Stuck inside when I'd rather play, like a child on a sunny day. Get me out of here, there are voices now. I can't stand it anyhow, to listen to them inside and out. When only one can be enough. My heart is pulsing my head, distracting me from the stuff that I should focus on. Why won't it stop? It keeps me up and soon I'll be gone. Don't mop up the mess I leave behind, the only thing left to ye remind. A story of tragedy, toil, and fee... Like the billy goats, one, two, and three. I play I spy, and you go seek what's left of me, no one dare peek...