Hi, I'm having a contest for a LV.100 MAGMORTAR!!. Now the contest is you have to send me a message ofva pkmn story the best pkm story I recive win's it.The requirements at least 2 paragraphs funny and is clean typed.
Once in pallet town, a Mr. Mime was cleaning. then all the sudden, it started to hail! He was frecked out because it never hailed before.
So, he maded a big box like twice as big as the house (house size x2). Then Ash's mom came home and was runing. Then she hit the invisable box. She was like, "Mr. Mime un-do this right now!" Then he said, "Mime, mime mime!" (no, im scared!).
Once, a Pikacho was frollicking in the woods, minding his own buisness, when this dorky kid appeared and threw this ball at him. OUCH!! Pikacho was knocked out.
When Pikacho wook up, he was in this small, metal box. He looked around. There was a couch, a plate of stale bread and rotten cheese, and a cold non-moving Mr.Mime laying next to him. He then realized the awful truth, he was a captured POKEMON!