/ban (/ban/USER/REASON) - Shoutmin - Bans USER for REASON, displays USER has been banned for REASON. publicly in the chatroom.-Promo video (fancy advert for JSiVi. View it on any device with either Flash or MP4 HTML5 video support.
/warn (/warn/User/Reason) - Shoutmin - Warns USER, displays Warning USER: REASON. publicly in the chatroom.
/alert (/alert/TEXT) - Shoutmin - Displays -TEXT- publicly in the chatroom.
/unban (/unban/USER) - Overlord - Unbans USER, displays USER has been unbanned. publicly in the chatroom.
/pm (/pm/USER/TEXT) - Anyone - Sends TEXT to USER (displays as a chatroom message) (Ready, doesn't stay in PM mode, one-shot.)
/help - Anyone - Duh. Command list.
Wait. I typed all this when you could have just typed /help? Omg.
Make commands for the regular users besides the /map function/away, /pm...