The Invasion
This is my quest
I’ll strive till it’s complete
When all is repossessed
You, I will defeat
I’ll creep upon your humble abode
To make sure all is victorious
Mind set to extermination mode
For this, I am notorious
I come from so very far away
Deep within my beloved space
I am here only to slay
To win the final Earthly race
One by one, I enslave you all
My strive for excellence keeps me going
The job, to me, feels like a grand ball
On my face, my pride is surely showing
Every time I will succeed
Knowledge for my nation is your fate
You cannot ever stop me
You, I’ll continue to desecrate
I am your new overlord
It is me that you will obey
To live, you must be on board
Or it is you that I will slay
Your time has come to pass
My nation will rein in abundance
Your government, I will surpass
Your defeat will send you into a trance