It’s early in the morning. You’ve just woken from the deepest slumber you’ve ever add. You hear a deep slight rumble noise. It’s your stomach! You are very hungry, so you venture downstairs to find something to end your hunger. You want delicious waffles. Upon opening the freezer you realize that there are no more delicious Eggo waffles left. You contemplate waking up your parents and telling them, but you don’t want to anger them as it is still six o’clock in the morning. You want waffles so badly that you can almost smell and even taste the flaky goodness of your favorite breakfast. What should I do? You wonder.
You hear some noises outside. As you creep up to the window and peer out, you see small golden, roundish looking things frolicking in a nearby field. What in the world are they? You ask yourself. You quietly crawl up to the door so you don’t frighten them. You open the door very slowly so it doesn’t creek. When you get to the porch you close the door as quiet as you opened it. You tiptoe down the stairs.
Looking out into the field, you see a small mannish figure hiding in the brush near the creatures you had been spying on. You get down on all fours and quietly crawl over to him. He notices you and gives you a humongous, friendly grin.
“Hello, young one! How are you on this fine morning?” he inquires.
“Umm.. I’m O.K. Just a little hungry.” You reply.
“Do not worry, for I shall take care of that very shortly. Come over here, young one.”
You follow him further into the brush. Turning to your left you see the creatures again. There are a few relatively young ones playing and having loads of fun.
“Sir, what are those exactly?” you ask him out of curiosity.
“Young one, those are wild creatures.” He tells you.
“Oh. Well what kind of wild creatures are they?” you ask.
“I don’t know if I can tell you.”
“Come on! I won’t tell anybody if you don’t want me too!” you declare.
“Oh alright, young one, I shall tell you. They are called Wild Waffles.”
“What?! Wild Waffles?!” you burst out laughing.
“See. I knew you wouldn’t believe me. Now you think I’m just some crazy old fool.” He said with sadness upon his old, wrinkled face.
“I am sorry for what I said. I really did not mean to hurt you Mr.… Er…” you say.
“It is O.K. I know you meant no harm. You can call me Ari. I am a specialized hunter. I am very skilled, and I am one thousand years old.” He explains.
“Really? One thousand? Wow! That is a lot! But how is that possible?” You confusedly ask.
“I come from a special tribe of very magical people. We all live very long and extraordinary lives. We all have special powers, and mine is charming anything really. I usually work with Wild Waffles so that I can capture, hunt, and then sell them for profit in my world. It’s the same as hypnotizing people, but we have special bracelets with charms on them. Each charm has a level of power. See! I am level 10! That’s very good considering I am considered young in my world.” He explains then shows you his bracelet.
“Wow! Where is your world?” you ask.
“My world is very magical and is not very distant from here. It is called Azayak. Only my people can enter. Sometimes others can enter with a special charm bracelet.” he explains.
“Cool!” you exclaim.
“Young one, come here and be silent.” he instructs.
He starts waving both of his hands in the air. The charms glisten in the morning sun. You feel a strange warm sensation encompass your body. It’s his powers! you realize. The Wild Waffles come forward as if in a trance. They dance around in circles.
“Ha ha! It’s glorious! Just glorious! Don’t you agree, young one?” he questions.
“Yes! It’s it!” you agree.
He cooks both Wild Waffles in a small pan over a campfire. When they are done being cooked he slides one on the each plate, and hands you one of the plates.
“Here, young one, take this. Be careful it is still quite hot.” he cautions.
You take the Wild Waffle, let it cool off, then take a huge bite of it. Your mouth fills with such deliciousness that you have never experience before in your life.
“Oh my! This is great!” you exclaim.
“Yes. I know, young one. I will even teach you some of my powers if you like.”
“Oh that would be awesome, Ari. When can I start?” you ask.
“Your first lesson will be tomorrow morning, young one. Now, do not go telling anyone about this O.K.?"
“Yes, Ari, I will not tell anyone at all!” you reassure him.
“O.K. then. I must be going now. Why don’t you head home? Come and see me first thing tomorrow.”
“O.K.! Bye, Ari!” you call softly as you crawl out from under the brush.
When you get back inside you head up to your bedroom to get ready for school and hope your parents will never find out where you went.