Has anyone ever bullied you before? Have you bullied others? Did you ever think about why they bullied you or why you bullied them? Seventy percent of all high school students claim they have been bullied. Many people are bullied on a regular basis; even whole countries. If you lived in a country with a dictator, you get controlled, which is what most bullies aim for. They want to be in control and don’t care who it is. School bullies and dictators both try to control people but for very different reasons.
Most school bullies want and crave attention that they may not be getting at home. Sometimes the only attention they get is negative. They do things they shouldn’t so they get sent home with detention slips. Their parents get angry with them, but the bully doesn’t mind as long as he or she gets attention at all. They want people to listen to them and do what they say, so they get aggressive if one of their peers fails to oblige.
The cause for bullying at school varies. Many do it because they are insecure. Sometimes they may have problems at home that can lead to violent tendencies. They have a lot of aggression at school, so they take it out on their unsuspecting peers. For example, a bully may push another kid up against a locker to get his lunch money. His or her reason for doing so may be aggression from other family members at home. A lot of bullies don’t start out that way. Many have been bullied their whole lives and have gotten tired of always being the victim. So, as they get older they start to be the bully instead of a victim. They start to like the feeling of being in control, and then they can’t stop. But bullying doesn’t just happen at school. (Dennery, 2011)
All countries have someone in charge. It’s necessary for a country to operate. People need structure in their lives; if they don’t then living there will be chaotic. Most countries have power split up among smaller areas. In the United States power is among states as well as the country as a whole. People that live here have choices. They can choose who to vote for, where to live and much more. They also have many people in control that they must listen to. However, many countries take control too far. A country may have a dictatorship, which means that one and only one person is in control of the entire country. The citizens no longer have the freedom to choose things in their everyday lives.
One famous dictator is Fidel Castro. He was the dictator of Cuba. In 1959, he as well as many others had gotten tired of how Cuba was run and who was running it. He used guerilla warfare, which means that people who are not in the military rise up against the government, against Cuban leader Fulgencio Batista. He became very interested in politics and gradually rose up. He became dictator after many harmful incidents. His reasons for doing so were that he had been inferior to the rules of his country and he got tired of feeling unimportant and that he had no say. (Fidel Castro)
Another famous dictator is Kim Jong-un. He became the dictator of North Korea when his father dies. He actually he was not under the government of North Korea growing up. His parents sent him to a boarding school in Gumligen. He was very studious and shy but had a sense of humor. He was more interested in sports than politics. We he went back to North Korea, he attended Kim Il-sung Military University. When his dad was dying Kim Jong-un was promoted up higher into political and military leadership. His father, Kim Jong-Il, was dictator before Kim Jong-un. His reason for being a dictator was to keep tradition. (Lubin, 2013)
Many dictators have risen after a parent dies regardless of whether they wanted to be dictator or not. They inherit positions without doing anything in some cases. Other dictators overthrow their current leaders if they don’t like the way they run a country. They usually have others to help. School bullies can be the same way. They sometimes have a group of others to help them. They feel more powerful in numbers. More often than not children who had been bullied get tired of it. As they get older they start to be the bully. They like the feeling of being in power so much because they never felt that way due to constant bullying. Sometimes they were never bullied in the first place and just want to be the only one in control. Both dictators and bullies want control but their reasons for control, and ways that they obtain it, vary greatly.
Her is where I got my info:
Dennery, P. R. (2011). Bullying and Online cyberbullying Prevention. Retrieved 05 06, 2013, from children's Hospital: http://childrenshospital.org/az/Site2912/mainpageS2912P1.html
Fidel Castro. (n.d.). Retrieved 05 06, 2013, from Biography: http://www.biography.com/people/fidel-castro-9241487
Lubin, P. S. (2013, 04 13). How a shy boy from North Korea became the world’s scariest dictator. Retrieved 05 6, 2013, from The Journal: http://www.thejournal.ie/kim-jong-un-childhood-864902-Apr2013/
13 May 2013 20:57
In reply to Haruspex
Just so you know I only wrote this as a school assignment. I don't really care much for the topic either, just had to write it, and I post most of my assignments here.