Hello. My name is Zap. I live in a town called Shimura. Many people think it is very pleasant, but they have not met my father. He calls himsef Dr. Amurica.
He has a small Dr.'s office towards the back of our small house. He will have patients lay down on a hospital bed. Then he will put them to sleep.
He performs labotomies on them. He takes biopsies and studies them. Sometimes he replaces the brain with the brain of an animal. He replaced my big brother, Hannibal's brain with a monkey brain. I can communicate with him telepathically though.
Once I saw him replace a visitors brain unsuccessfully. After the surgery the boy just kept rolling on the bed and into the wall. My father restored his brain, but he was never the same.
My father onced chased my good friend, Liam around Shimura shouting "It's time to harvest!". At first Liam was very confused.
"What do you mean by harvest?" he asked.
"Your organs. I want them." my father explained.
"No!" shouted Liam, and he took off running.
"You cannot run forever. Sooner or later I will have them.
My father eventually caught Liam. He took a small biopsy of his brain. I helped Liam escape. We first hid in Hannibal's empty house. My father had removed everything.
After a while we hurried over to Soleil's home. She was one of my father's patients. He replaced her brain with that of a hamster. All of the residents have been patients.
My father cannot be stopped because of his boss. Tom Nook makes him operate as a doctor. His intentions were not to have a psychotic doctor. Dr. Amurica must be stopped, and it is up to me and Liam!
02 Aug 2013 18:19
In reply to DarkBolt
Thanks, but it's not exactly a creepy pasta.
02 Aug 2013 19:04
In reply to atreyufan1500
Well,its a game story,its scary,and....its not exactly "true" so....
02 Aug 2013 19:07
In reply to DarkBolt
I just wanted it to be a creepy story. The pics were just for illustration. If you wanna see an Animal Crossing creepy pasta, Google the Truth Behind Animal Crossing. XD