I awake in a room. There's no one beside me.
My family and friends... Where could they all be?
As I let my eyes adjust I realize I've been led astray.
This isn't the path I had wished to take on that cold Autumn day.
I still remember the look in her eyes. She was only a little younger.
"I want to bring despair to this world," she said-- I couldn't stop her.
I realize now that we're so much alike, although our talents are not.
Sometimes I try to ignore this fact, but it's not easily forgot.
A long time ago they called me a hero. Everyone looked up to me.
But now I'm just an average soldier-- Someone you don't want to be.
I'm fighting against the one I love. The one I've known for years.
I go against everything she believes, so why am I in tears?
These people need my help to escape, but I can't harm my own kin.
Everything's falling apart in front of me, I've given in to sin.
I watch them silently, devising my plan. I know that soon this will end.
I'll give up my own life for her-- my twin and my best friend.
I am hope, while she is despair. There's a balance between us two.
But as I get closer to the doors, I know that that will change, too.
I hear a voice informing us of what has just gone down.
I just stand here, in her likeness, my face the usual frown.
I planned everything that happens next. I'm going to save them all.
I ignore that thing that's yelling at me. I intend for its downfall.
My foot stays in place, keeping it on the ground. This is what I wanted to do.
Suddenly, she gets angry with me... And finally, I am through.