We were playing ball in the house, my best friend and I. Yeah, yeah. I know we aren't supposed to, but that's what kids do. Well, anyway, Benji got too carried away and threw the ball too hard. It hit the light fixture causing it too fall and knock me out. The next thing I know I'm sitting up. Benji left me here for dead! What a jerk!
I can hear a shoot 'em up game from the den, and someone raging in German. Since when does Benji speak German?
I race down the hall, but it keeps stretching and stretching. I finally get to the end. As soon as I get there a huge guy in a Flash costume 10 sizes too small pops out. He belches and it makes my eyes water. I throw open the door and run in expecting to enter the den. Instead I started falling into a dark abyss.
"Aggghhh!" I screamed. "What the Hell is happening?!"
Fortunetly I landed on something soft. Upon sitting up I realized it was a giant chair. A dark shadow came over me. I looked up and saw Fat Flash about to sit. A putrid gas exploded from behind him.
"Oh! Gawd no! What the Hell did you eat?" I yelled and then dove off of the chair and into the plush carpet sea. I darted into a mouse hole only to fall into another black abyss.
I landed in a heap on the ground. I gance around me. I was in some sort of garden. A different garden. There were hands sprouting up instead of plants.
"Ew. What the Hell?" I asked myself.
Ahead there was a taco bouncing on top of a red mushroom. All of a sudden an anvil fell on him causing his taco guts to squirt out. I giggled at this.
I continued walking and came upon two monkeys. They were dressed as Finn and Jake and had awesome ninja swords.
"Follow us!" they said. So I did, and they lead me to a wooden door.
"Run through here!"
I ran through and fell into yet another black abyss.
"Why the Hell does this keep happening to me!?" I screamed. A pegasus caught me and flew me to a land of clouds, where I happily consumed blueberry muffins.
I left on a wooded path, and came across a cat.
"I'm trying to get home. Can you please help me?" I asked.
"Yes! I am Sei the Cat. I draw pictures that can be used as portals." she explained.
I glance up and see an awesome picture of a goat.
"Wow! That is amazing!" I exclaimed.
All of a sudden a goat walked out from behind some trees. I gasped. It looked exactly like the one from Sei's drawing!
"Some can even come to life!" she said.
"Awesome. So can you get me home?" I asked
"Yus!" she replied and moments later I was handed a drawing that was an exact replica of my room.
"Just jump through" she told me.
I took the drawing. All of a sudden an alpaca appeared out of nowhere. It stole my drawing and ran away. Then the pegasus from earlier swooped down and got it back for me. He introduced himself as Icarus as he handed me back the drawing. I waved goodbye as I jumped through.
The next thing I knew my alarm was going off. I jumped out of my slumber. I really hate alarm clocks. I got up, crossed the room, and switched it off. I was about to go back to sleep when something caught my eye.
A piece of paper was on my nightstand. I picked it up and gasped. It was the drawing Sei drew me! That means it was all real! I framed the drawing to keep it from getting torn or ripped. As I walked downstairs for breakfast I could still hear someone raging in German.