Arcion was very spiteful about what his brother had done. The only thing he wanted was revenge, and he intended do get it in the most violent of ways. He would sneak up behind Arsandias and behead him right in front of his people. That would surely show Arsandias who is boss. He worked on his plan all day every day. He even had his adoptive son, Ronhal Fulgham work with him.
Arcion abandoned this plan. He knew it would simply not work for Arsandias had many guards. They would surely hear him approaching. He worked on a new and better plan.
Ronhal was 15 years old, but he was very large and strong. Arcion had Ronhal go out and terrorize the people of Arsandias. He would make everyone too afraid to even go outside. Ronhal got all of the people from his home town to hate Arsandas as well. Then he and Arcion trained them all. They built a huge army that kept growing and getting even stronger every year.
Eventually they were able to overthrow Arsandias. It took a very long time to accomplish this. They had to train in secrecy so Arsandias would not find out and put an end to it. They built small millitary camps behind mountains, and trained there every day. They even hid weapons in caves so no one would find them.
They made a plan. They would have three attaks on Arsandias as they only had enough explosives and bombs for three. Each attack would be extremely powerful, and each would come from a seperate location. Arcion had made secret underground passages over the years. He had some of his men use them to sneak into Arsandias and commence the first attack. It hit hard, and left many of Arsandias's people injured. While he attended to them, the second and third attacks commeced. Arsandias was killed in the last attack so Arcion took over. He threw many people that opposed him in jail.
He started living it up with his son, Ronhal. They had tons of food and servants to do whatever they desired. Arcion was growing older and was sick. He died a few years later leaving Ronhal as the ruler of Zenantur. Besides the three attacks, Arcion had done no physical harm to people. He told Ronhal not to on his death bed, but Ronhal was a very sick and twisted man. He made his servants bring innocent people in and hack them into pieces in front of him. To him it was entertaining to see people squirm and hear their bloodcurdling screams. He laughed with glee at this. If a servant disobeyed he took matters into his own hands and killed the person that was brought in as well as the servant.
This made Arsandias's only son, Ashkion, sick. He was mortified that anyone could do this. He desperately wanted to avenge his father. He wanted to kill Ronhal, but he was far too weak. He was, however, extremely cunning, and he soon came up with a plan of his own.