Ashkion had always been teased as a child. Here was Arsandias's only son and he was quite weak. Ashkion made up for it with his intelligence. He was always reading books. All the time. He got the highest of grades. Some might say Arsandias hated his son, but that was simply a lie. He absolutely cherished Ashkion. He loved that he read books instead of trained. He loved it because it made Ashkion very happy, and why would a father not want his son to be happy?
Not only was Ashkion smart, but he was also cunning. He could always out smart the slyest of bullies. He made all kinds of inventions as well. That's what he wanted to do when he got older; be an inventor. He made a catapault when he was just five years of age. His father was so proud of Ashkion that he gave him a telescope for his birthday. Galileo was always his favorite inventor.
When Ashkion lost his father he was devastated. He became very depressed and stayed in his father's old study most of the day. His own mother could not get him to come out. He stayed in there and sobbed all day long. He wanted his father to return, but he knew that was not possible. He would have horrid dreams of the war that made him cry into the night, but sometimes he dreamt about spending time with his father. He always smiled when he remembered all the great moments they shared together.
One of his dreams was very intriguing. He dreamt of a story that his father had told him as a boy, but it was slightly different. In his dream he built a giant wooden pig. He filled it with his men, delivered it to Arcion, and waited until night. His men came out at night fall and took revenge on Arcion's Army. When Ashkion awoke he rememered the story. It was from The Trojan War. He knew what it was telling him and knew what he needed to do.
Over a period of a year Ashkion worked on his project. He worked extremely hard to make it strong. He polished the outside of it, and made it beautiful. He built the entire thing on his own with no help, and in secrecy. He did not want help because he felt that this was his battle. He had a hidden work area, and whenever anyone asked what he was doing he told them he was working on a very important project.
When it was completed, he looked at it and he knew it would work. It was a giant wooden pig that was big enough to hide all of his men inside and beautiful on the outside. He chose to make a pig because Ronhal loved them. If he had made it a horse Ronhal would have had it removed before night fall. He knew his plan would work. Ronhal did not know of The Trojan War as he did not attend school very much as a boy. Ashkion could easily trick Rohnal.
Ashkion gathered all of his men, and explained the plan to them. They all pushed the pig in front of the largest castle on Zenantur. They waited inside ready to strike. Ronhal adored the pig. When nighttime came Ashkion and his men crept out of the pig. They lead all of the innocent people out of town. They killed every member of Arcion's army leaving Ronhal all alone. They captured him and took him to the center of Zenantur. He was sent to the guillotine in front of everyone. No one was ever hurt again because the horrid Ronhal and Arcion's Army were gone. Ashkion was now the ruler of all of Zenantur.