It was Charles's eighth birthday. He was really happy. He'd asked for a Nintendo 3DS because his friends at school had them. Charles loved video games more than anything. He wanted to create them when he got older. That's why he just had to have a 3DS.
When he asked his mom she simply refused.
"No, Charles. A 3DS costs way too much money for a birthday. Your DSi will just have to do.", she had said.
"But, Mom! A 3DS can be for the whole family. There's a drawing app where we can make pictures, and it even has Netflix! There are loads of neat games too!", Charles protested.
"Maybe I'll ask Uncle Henry, but I'm not sure.", she told him.
"Yesssss!", Charles said to himself.
On the day of his birthday a package arrived. Charles ran to the mail box with anticipation. He brought the package inside. It was cube shaped and kinda heavy.
"I know what this his!", Charles exclaimed. "It's is gonna be epic!" He tore the package open to reveal it's contents. Inside was a clown doll. It was wearing a yellow jumpsuit with colorful polkadots all over. It had red curly hair, and it's face was painted.
"What the Hell is this?! Where's my 3DS?!", Charles asked disgustedly.
"CHARLES!", bellowed his father. "Where are you mannors? Your Uncle Henry put a lot of thought into that."
"Oh really? What does he think? I'm three?", Charles snorted. "I hardly call that thought."
Charles's father smacked him.Then he grounded him from his DSi for a month and sent him to his room with his new gift.
He grumbled as he walked up the stairs to his room. He went inside and slammed the door so hard that his walls shook. He gave the clown one more disgusted look and tossed it on his bed.
"This is the worst birthday ever, and it's all Uncle Henry's fault. Why'd he have to give me such a crummy gift?", he asked himself.
He picked the clown doll up and threw it into an old red toy chest. Charles never wanted to see it again. He thought it was ugly and stupid. He hated that anyone would think he wanted to play with something like that. To make himself stop thinking about it he went to sleep.
The entire night he had the strangest of dreams. He dreamt the clown doll, the one he hated, had come to life. Instead of being cheerful as a toy is expected to be, he was quite sinister. In fact he was downright pissed. How dare someone think of him as stupid? How dare they not think about the thought of gifts.
Charles did not seem to realize that this was no dream. His very own clown doll was alive, or sort of. He was lifelike and full of spite. He wanted his revenge, and he intended to get it without anyone stopping him.
He crept out of Charles's room and into the kitchen. After a few minutes he return with a knife. Turning to Charles tossing and turning mid dream on his bed, he raised the knife over.
"Oh you little precious thing. What a foolish thing you are. Never thinking about others. Don't you worry. You won't feel a thing. Heheh. Should've been more thoughtful.", the clown said with the knife raised high above sleeping Charles.
He started slicing at Charles with surgeon like precision. Every organ one by one was cut out and layed beside Charles's body so fast that he had no time to scream. The clown left Charles in a bloody mess for his unsuspecting and loving parents to find. With Charles's blood the clown wrote a message on the wall behind his bed.
The message read:
It is the thought that counts. Let this be your only warning, for if you do not you shall surely rue it.
It was disturbing (that's a goob thing!) but kind of expected. It reminded me of Chucky. Not quite over that phobia so it was a bit more scary than it should be, but it was good
Awesome Story, Kirsten. I was just finished watching Donnie Darko a while ago and this reminded me of that creepy bunny. Keep making more. Let the horrors begin.
12 Oct 2013 05:45
In reply to AlphaTr1force