I have a deep, dark secret to share with you all. The darkest one of all. You may be disturbed in the end, but meh.
It all started when I was very young and impressionable. They were showing stories on the news. I was at that age where your parents ask you what you want to be when you grow up. I would always respond with the usual doctor or teacher just to get them off my back. I knew if I told them what I really wanted so desperately to be they would send me away somewhere. So I kept it a secret. It pushed against my mind in a violent attemp to get free and reveal itself. It pounded against my soulless center, trying to get out, but I kept it locked up inside until the time came.
I kept my dark secret bottled up inside until recently. The cap had slowly turned. Just had a little at a time, but enough. The damage had already begun. Of course I didn't see it that way. The way I saw it was that I would finally be living my dream; the only reason for my existance on this planet.
My secret finally revealed itself on Halloween. It was the night before Halloween. I was thinking of a treat to make for a party when I saw it: three huge boxes of Rice Krispies. Everyone loves Rice Krispy treats. As I was gathering the ingredients to make my nummy squares, a force shot through my body. I was compelled to add poison. I giggled malevelantly as I made them, for I new what would happen. I could not stop cracking up when I thought of all the unsuspecting faces I would destroy.
When my treats were finally eaten on Halloween night, I could hardly contain myself. I dragged their limp bodies into a dark janitor's closet. I went to work hacking and slashing each and every one. They squirted all over. Blood got on the walls, the ceiling, and covered me head to toe, and I loved every minute of it.
Well, now you know my secret.
Happy Halloween! Want a Rice Krispy treat? They're nummy!