It was nighttime when Sammy's mother tucked him in.
"Time for bed, my little Knight" she whispered.
"Ok!" he pulled the covers over his head then giggled and peeped out.
"I see you." his mother said playfully.
He giggled again. "Can I have my bunny, Mama?" he asked.
"Of course." and she made his bunny hop along the bed and give him a good night kiss.
"Haha. Das funny, Mama." he giggled and went to sleep.
His mother had left the room for 30 minutes when he heard a loud bang.
"Ooh! Maybe that noise was a puppy!" he squealed with delight as he got out of bed. He ran to the living room but stopped when he saw his mother give him the "shush, shush" signal. Two men in black suits and red masked came into viewed. His mother told him to hide so he did. The men yelled at his mother and dragged her away.
Later that day an old man named Henry took him to his cabin which was next door. He started looking after Sammy from now on. After a few years of living there, Henry had to go on a trip for merchants. Sammy was delighted.
"Ooh! How great! Where will we be going?" a now 6 year old Sammy asked his guardian.
"Oh, I'm sorry, my boy. You cannot come with me." he told him.
"Why on Earth not?" he protested. "What is there to do for a boy for two whole weeks? Nothing, I tell you! Nothing at all!"
"Now, calm down, my boy. You'll spend some time with an old friend." he told him.
Just then a knock on the large oak door was heard and Henry rushed to open it. He brought a man who looked to be about thirty or so.
"This is Gunlaw, Sammy. Gunlaw, this is Sammy." he introduced the two. "Gunlaw is a great old friend, and you'll stay with him for the two weeks I am gone." he explained to Sammy.
"I do not wish too!" Sammy wailed.
"Oh, Sammy. Stop your complaining. Gunlaw has a nice boat you can go on."
"Oh, goodie!" Sammy exclaimed cheerfully.
Sammy had a great time with Gunlaw, but something puzzled him there. Gunlaw had a glass cabinet filled with pictures. Sammy saw some of them and recognized some of the men in them. They were wearing black suits with red masks.
"Gunlaw, who are those men?" Sammy asked with a hint of melancholy in his little voice.
"They are The Mighty Masked ones. They got rid of bad people that King Jolen does not like in his kingdom. These pictures are very old. From before your time and mine as well. They aren't around anymore."
All of a sudden Sammy remembered his mother. How she would put him to bed and make his bunny hop and kiss him. He got very sad.
"Are you alright, Sammy?" Gunlaw questioned him.
"Yes, Gunlaw. I am quite alright.
Many years later, when Sammy was twelve, he heard a loud noise coming from outside. Henry ran by and told him to hide, so he hid in a big cabinet that he used to play in all the time. He pushed the cabinet door open a bit so he could see out.
The heavy oak door burst open and four men came rushing in. They were wearing black suits and red masks.
"Alright, old man. Wear his the boy?!" one of their voices boomed. Sammy instantly recognized him as Gunlaw.
"He's not here. I sent him out." Henry replied shakily.
Sammy quietly slid to the left of the cabinet. He had played in here long enough to know there was a hidden exit. He slowly and swiftly pushed it open and crawled out. He quietly slid outside, darted toward the forest, and ran inside a huge hollowed out oak tree. There was a trap door inside that lead to a small, abandoned sanctuary. He followed the path, and when he got there he saw that Gunlaw and the three other men had taken Henry here. He was tied to a post. On the other post a beautiful lady was tied. He knew it was his mother.
"Why do you want Sammy?" a weak and beaten Henry asked.
"Shut up and tell me where he is!" Gunlaw commanded.
Sammy knew he had to do something. He climbed onto the rafters and untied a thick rope that held up a rather large axe. It flew down and beheaded all four men. He finally was reunited with his mother after he untied them.