Betcha don't know who Barbara Millicent Roberts is.
She's Barbie Girl!
This is the newest addition of Useless Trivia!
So sit back and stop licking stamps because every lick is 1/10 of a calorie.
Disney cartoons are kinda messed up. Lol. You probably already knew that, but 101 Dalmations, Peter Pan, Lady and the Tramp, and Mulan are the only ones where both parents are present and don't die.
Wanna feed Santa's reindeer? Well they like to eat bananas.
If a crocodile tries to eat you just gouge it's eyes out. Works every time.
Let's samba! Also known as eskimo kissies. Lol I am keeding here!
The irony! Mel Blanc played the voice of Bugs Bunny, our carrot loving friend. But did you know Mel was allergic to carrots?
Ok. I am officially terrified of the dentist, and you should be too. A dentist invented the electric chair. What the Hell??
When someone says "I'll be back in a jiffy" they'd better hurry because a jiffy is 1/60 of a second.
You have a lot of bones in your feet. In fact one quarter of your bones are located there. It may seem like less, but they are very tiny. We're actually born with three hundred bones, but by the time we reach adult hood we have two hundred and six bones.
Most animals have six legs. Eighty percent of them do. Giraffes can go without water longer than a camel can. Ninety percent of all animals that have become extinct have been birds.There is approximately one chicken for every human.
A rainbow can only be seen in the morning or late afternoon. I wonder if this is the same for double rainbows.
You all should already know this, but the plastic tips on shoe laces are called aglets.
♪A-G-L-E-T! Don't forget it! Get's us all on our feet!♪
Ok. Moving on.
Hey, five eyes! Come here! Lol. Bees have five eyes, and butterflies taste with their feet.
No Camel Hunting.
It's illegal to do so in Arizona.
One last thing; Tittle, tittles, and yet more tittles. That's what the dot of a lowercase i or j is called.