I forget my homework quite often, the teachers tell me. Hey! It's not my fault that Grandma ate my homework! Or that time terrorists kidnapped me! They did! I swear! They forced me to watch Wrecking Ball all night. *shudders* Fine don't believe me.
Once a bunch of nerds stole it to make sure their's was perfect. I kid you not!
Well anyway let's get back to this homework assignment. I remeber the assignment was to write about an important event in your life. I wrote about the time our car was abducted by aliens. We were driving to school. That's why I was late last class. And you didn't believe me. Well anyway, there we are going to school when our car starts levitating. When I saw the alien I froze, then I took out my brother's Teletubbies collection and offered it to them. They were happy and let us go.
My finished paper was sitting on the desk. I must have not noticed, but a couple of flies picked it up and tried to fly away with it. It was too heavy so they dropped it in the kitchen. My parents forgot to put Grandma's breakfast out, so she was extra hungry that morning. I came down stairs to find her nibbling the end of my paper. I nearly freaked!
I called Dog and explained what hapened and only got laughed at and told to just to my homework. I did!
I told the teacher and she didn't believe me. So the next day I brought Grandma in and x-rayed her with a little x-ray machine I got from the aliens. There was my homework in her tummy!
The teacher allowed me to hand it in on Friday, and told me if I didn't go home she'd give me detention for bringing my grandmother to school on a leash.