I feel like I should do a blog every point where it is the end of the month.
So, This month's topic is about... Chicken. Why use a TURKEY instead of a CHICKEN? Naw, I'm just pullin' your leg. NO CHICKEN THURSDAY!
Some get ready for christmas, AT SEPTEMBER. Some prepare in November, but I go by EVERY HOLIDAY, and not be impatient, Although I want to put up the Christmas tree...
If I had a pet turkey named Barbie, that would be...
I could tame Barbie like a dog! teach him Doggie tricks! Feed him the Trix Rabbit's left ear! I can even hear Barbie Gobbling... If we had to choose our Class pet, Guinea Pig, And my Barbie, I would DEFINATLEY choose Barbie.
How would a turkey in YOUR home, or classroom boggle your mind?
Monday, 11/22/09(TODAY) and Tuesday are the only schooldays I have expect alot of DSiPaint from me on Thanksgiving through Saturday!
I gotta conclude this sooner or later... but as a closing question, what will YOU have on your Table? Hmm? Tell me or I'll eat yo-